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About bbfhavok

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    Full time gamer, full time student, part time worker, part time writer.

    www.dayzgamers.blogspot.ca - Check it out now!
  1. Clan Baptized by Fire is currently recruiting for the Day Z mod. We are a fully active and respected clan that operates in several different games including games like modern warfare 3, league of legends, starwars the old republic and many more. We're currently looking for players who are willing to actively participate in the clan and play the Day Z mod online with others in the clan. The clan has been operating for 12 years now and we're still going strong. We would highly appreciate anyone who has the time to come over to our forums and register. From registering on the forums, please take the time to read some information about the clan and then once you're ready fill out our application on the website http://www.clanbbf.com/join.html . In the referral box when you signup, you can put [bBF]havOk, which is my username. I will help you with any questions or things you need, just send me a personal message on the forums. Thanks for visiting everyone!
  2. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    bumping this.
  3. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    dont forget to check out the new content just posted about the possible history of Chernarus!
  4. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    yeah i explain all that in my blog go check it out!
  5. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    bumping this.
  6. bbfhavok

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    this one for sure - http://ihiopc.com/Vybor1.png send me a message when its done and ill add it to my directory for you to get more views @ www.dayzgamers.blogspot.ca
  7. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    1st page bump purpose. how many times must i bump :D give me some feedback on the blog fellows! bumping to the music
  8. Hey fellow Day Zers... I have a blog and have attained 1,600 views and rising since opening a little early last week. If you want to get your youtube video of you playing Day Z or doing anything in Day Z some more views, please feel free to email me - hanson.brady@gmail.com - make sure to give me the link, and also, i'll need you to return the favor by adding a link to my blog in your video description, its a great way to connect the community! www.dayzgamers.blogspot.ca <-- for proof. no one wants more viewers for their youtube videos on day z? really? That's hard to believe...
  9. bbfhavok

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    awesome job man, i added the links to my blog for my visitors to check out as well. - www.dayzgamers.blogspot.ca - when you're finished with more, can you maybe send me a personal message on the forums with the links and ill post them onto my site as well!
  10. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    Thanks a lot man for the positive feedback, i just posted a new blurp about some information surrounding the maker Dean "Rocket" Hall and some behind the scenes stuff for Day Z anyone looking for a good quick read, check it out!
  11. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    bumpity bump
  12. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    bump bump
  13. bbfhavok

    New Players Check this out

    haha, german players check out his blog!
  14. www.dayzgamers.blogspot.ca - check out the guide section. welcome and thanks.