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Everything posted by Kindling1821

  1. Hello Community, I'm currently quite frustrated as I can't figure out what's causing the issue. I'm sure some of you have encountered this problem before, but I can't pinpoint it exactly, which is why I can't find a solution. I have a Linux Debian 11 server running a DayZ server, or rather, it's supposed to be running but isn't. Now, onto the actual problem: The server has no mods, you can connect to it, but it gets stuck about halfway through the loading screen. Nothing moves, and there are no error messages. I've already used Google but couldn't find a solution. Even after reinstalling the server, the issue persists. The server is installed using LinuxGSM, which has never caused any problems before. The mission file is correctly referenced in the server config, so I'm not sure where the issue lies. I've attached the log file; maybe someone recognizes this error? I would be really grateful for any help so that my group and I can finally join the server. Best regards