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About Kalignoir

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  1. M14 for your night runs just because of the ammo share and its a damn powerful weapon. Day M16 Acog or FN FAL Both good guns and effective at range.
  2. Kalignoir

    huge base at NWAF

    Duped or not... that's actually pretty impressive. Pretty well done from a "base" set up... too bad its highly exploitive.
  3. Kalignoir

    Fucking Humanity...

    Humanity was never hidden as something that was being consistently tracked... I smell someone that has been shooting in elektro.
  4. Kalignoir

    Bring back the old weapon balance

    I have found myself using the M9 SD more now that my M1911 isn't a 1 banger... Headshots are now priority which before they weren't... But I don't know I think I've grown as a shooter as per the sidearm. The gimping of the lee has gotten me killed at least once but thats sour grapes...
  5. I wonder if someone could epi-pen you...
  6. Kalignoir


    I think they're starting to write up changelogs and announcements at around the same time that they release them to stop the flame wars in the announcement threads.
  7. Kalignoir

    Beta Patch

    Download DayzCommander http://www.dayzcommander.com/ Tutorial made by DaSquirrelsNuts I've found this to be the easiest and I have reffered this to anybody who asks.
  8. Kalignoir

    Dat feeling....

    Well you'll find more people north side on a medium population server... most clans don't join high pops and trek around the airfields because of server lag and the chance they will lose gear. In fact I've found it less populated up north on high pops in general. Few stray further north then the Sobors. Also it isn't just the airfields up north there's towns like Vybor, and the City that is treated like cancer Berezino. These all can be hot spots for players but flying solo you may be killed rather swiftly due to the fact that northward people aren't about TDM and more about squad play. Keep low move quick and have fun.
  9. I know about the shock thing. My friend died, started a new character, and he was passed out on the shore. Alpha game is Alpha? or something else happening?
  10. Kalignoir

    Uneven movements when aiming

    Also breaking from a flat sprint to iron sight and fire isn't going to give you good results. Beyond that the longer you hold your breathe (that zoom in feature) while your trying steady shots the more its gunna shake.
  11. Nothing against you personally BUT I think you may be out gunned. Get your bearings running around some deer stands get an AR15 style rifle. Maybe a long gun that you feel comfortable with. The north isn't about who's on which roof top... It's more about who's in which bush, how many, how mobile they are, and the ever present who's got the more powerful gun that fires the quickest/accurate. Also your sidearm is a good zombie weapon... beyond that its tricky in a pvp situation. Also your survival kit will start to change. 2 painkillers 2 morphine (because crawling from the north to a hospital isn't fun) 3-4 bandages (they're very common) 4-5 sidearm mags 3 food 3 water Etc Etc Etc Good luck... See you in the field
  12. Kalignoir

    Battleye global ban?

    Google says... http://www.battleye.com/support.html Read it fully...
  13. The gear could be scripted in yes... but why one would make a storage space while they are already scripting doesn't make sense. More likely duping of items.
  14. Kalignoir

    Radio: Downed plane Event

    Beans to you... This actually doesn't sound like a bad idea... Though it would end up being a whoever attempts to loot last wins the prize.
  15. It's an arbitrary number that dates from the begining of the "life" of your specific survivor. If you played everyday for 22 days and threw yourself against the hazards for 22 days congrats... but someone can accomplish the same thing by creating a character and not playing for a month. That sounded more sarcastic then I wanted it too... but its the truth.