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derpie (DayZ)

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Posts posted by derpie (DayZ)

  1. Happened to me too, logging in, broken leg "you are dead". Respawning in with same debug as I had, even my ghillie on, but 0 items...

    And my body is like 10k away..

    And, one hit bleed from Z, no bandages to be found, when you die it first ports you to some dark ground and a green text with "Greetings." comes up for a short moment before the "You are dead" comes up.

  2. As you log-off with few ammo in clip only, when you log-in it chooses a full clip instead, often leaving your inventory filled with multiple lacking/almost empty clips taking space.

    Maybe if possible make it so that you can combine half-empty clips, or at least so that it does not change the clip when log-on.

    "Empty the clip before logging off" Doesn't work really, specially with ammo that is rare, such as FAL or rarer snipers.

  3. I just got banned right after I updated to 95819. I've played with the 95777 or the patch after that the hole day without getting banned. But now right after manually installing 95819 i got global banned. I've sent a mail to Battle Eye support, I hope they will sort this out because this is bull shit.

    Well, that sucks. What is the last known safe beta patch? Guess I'll be re-installing whole Arma's, if I recall correctly rollbacks werent possible to earlyer beta versions?

  4. Was roaming towards Electro with a buddy, we were moving quite carefully even to avoid being seen, he gets a DC, and during that I just suddenly drop down, no shot heard, and even while in death screen I had same blood (9.1k ~) as when I was just fine earlyer.

    Name Derp, server where it happened FR 79. At about 22:45 Finland time, 23.7 monday.

  5. I'm having a bit of an issue here, I just re-installed my system and can't find the previous thread I used to manually move files around to make beta+combined ops+steam+dayz work together.

    I've tried to "add non-steam" game with correct launch options to steam, with it I get the "missing chernarus" issue (Operation arrowhead beta without Arma 2 launching).

    I have latest DayZ and Beta, and if I launch from steams C. Ops. it works, just without the beta patch.

    So, any assist how to again make the whole darn trinity of Co ops+beta+dayz work on Steam?

    Would be preferred if there's an option that doesn't include manually moving files, just to avoid having to redo that each new beta patch.

    If not, then that is just fine too.

    And apologies if there is already a dozen threads like this. I found no solution thus far. :)
