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Posts posted by Worth2die4

  1. LOL :D !

    Mate, we're truly sorry for shooting you on sight! We were approaching that deerstand, when we saw you looted it. After multiple deaths because of other survivors shooting in our backs, we didn't want to risk it anymore not to shoot on sight.

    The second time was pure luck I'd seen you running out of the woods. First we thought you might have been a team, but when killing you the same name appeared. Which me and my brother both couldn't understand.

    Just wanted to say sorry again. :]

  2. I'm just curious about a situation my brother and I just had.

    We were up to a deer stand when seeing another survivor looting it.

    He didn't recognize us, so we went into the woods searching for him - and killling him after we found him.

    We took his food and found a empty tent nearby, but didn't take his Enfield.

    2min later, we wanted to move on, when we saw the same (!) Player running out of the wood. He surprised my brother and killed him before I could kill the other player.

    So I ask myself - how could the dead other player get to that deer stand so quickly ? It's miles away from the coast!


  3. You DO know, that people might respond "I'm friendly - don't shoot!" and 5 sec later, they put a bullet in your back ?!

    Since having had that situation, I also shoot on sight.

    U simply can't afford trusting anybody you don't know. Just like in a "real" Apocalypse;)

  4. I can't see anything realistic in having no kind of any weapon for your self defense.

    Cause in Reality - if my Life would depend on it - I'd kill that motherf**in' Zombies barehanded (if I could ;P)

    I also can't seem to outrun any Zombies. As soon as one recognicez me, I have to run away. Which instantly draws more attention on me and more and more Zombies are chasing me. I tried to run out of a group of 3 Zombies for about 20min. Just made no sense :|

    very annoying, esp. if you don't find any weapon anywhere :<
