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About seizetheday4eva

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  1. seizetheday4eva

    Exit code: 0x0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

    Yeah I did indeed, and I tried everything that was suggested but to no avail. It's either due to the latest patch or a Windows update causing some conflict. I have logged the error with the development team so will wait to see what they say. The games perfectly playable, it's just annoying to see that error message every time I exit the game.
  2. seizetheday4eva

    Exit code: 0x0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

    Thank you, yes it showed up in application log, but i have no idea what this means, also it doesn't end in 0x0000005 but when i check the time it occurred it was the same time as i was exiting Day Z. Faulting application name: bad_module_info, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000 Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000 Exception code: 0x00000000 Fault offset: 0x0000000000000000 Faulting process ID: 0x22d4 Faulting application start time: 0x01d74b67b4272440 Faulting application path: bad_module_info Faulting module path: unknown
  3. seizetheday4eva

    Exit code: 0x0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

    I'm not too familiar with how to use Event Viewer, which section should I look under?
  4. seizetheday4eva

    Exit code: 0x0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

    Actually i first thought it could be a mod too, but i just reformatted my computer and installed vanilla Dayz (no mods at all) and same thing happens. It only happens with this game, and the message isn't displayed until i exit the game. It's very strange, but quite annoying.
  5. Hi So i randomly started to receive this pop up message every time i exit Day Z, even if i just go into the menu and then exit out of the game i get the message. I can play the game maxed out with no issues. I have tried verifying the files via steam, i have even uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I never used to get this message so no sure what has changed, my hardware hasn't neither has my mods, and i don't have many of them either. I have a beefy PC RTX 3090, 32GIG RAM, i9900k processor, running latest nvidia drivers and windows 10 update. Anyone else having this or know a fix please?
  6. seizetheday4eva

    Is Steam now running the latest Day Patch 1.7.6 Update?

    I'm going to download commander tonight, it was a nightmare using Steam, out of approx 50 servers i could use about 3 which only had about 6 players on it. Steam is pointless for DayZ, at least until the standalone comes out i guess.
  7. seizetheday4eva

    Is Steam now running the latest Day Patch 1.7.6 Update?

    Many Thanks for your response, i was just hoping to keep it all under one roof i.e. steam. With that said i've heard great things about Dayzcommander.
  8. seizetheday4eva

    Is Steam now running the latest Day Patch 1.7.6 Update?

    Hi Daniel, but can you confirm that Steam is running that latest version which you stated?
  9. As the title says really, just spent ages downloading the ARMA 2 Complete purely for the mod and read on some forums that Steam still had the old patch update and therefore there wasn't many servers to play on. Can anyone let me know if the latest patch is now running on steam? Thank You
  10. Game was working fine before the update and for a day or 2 after, obviously Sixlauncher won't use the latest version (ending in 5) which means i have to use servers ending in 4 which is what i've been doing however from yesterday evening my character starts with a gun which is normal as i last logged out with one but i can't shoot, or reload, if i press the mouse button nothing happens and same goes for it i press R, again nothing happens. Anyone have the same problem or know a fix? I dont' want to uninstall SixLauncher because i don't like manually messing around with all the files myself but it's a little fraustrating that Sixlauncher won't update to the latest version.
  11. This mainly happens in the cities, at times it makes the game unplayable as i get all these odd grey triangles etc and can't see where i'm going. Sometimes if i angle the camera slightly in a different direction i can avoid it or if i use zoom but it's really annoying. Any fix? it's been much worse since the last update?
  12. Thanks for both replies, Cinnabus i'll give what you said a try as it's probably more user friendly doing it via Six Launcher. I know it's only a matter of downloading it and double clicking the exe but i just don't want any complications spoiling my game and Six Launcher has never let me down before so i'll let it do the work for me :)
  13. As the title says really, i'm just curious if Six Launcher downloads and applies the patch manually or if i need to download the patch from Bohemia's website and manually install it myself?
  14. seizetheday4eva

    Help Hud visible but screen flashing black

    Snap same here. Hope this gets fixed soon.