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Everything posted by fatherjohn

  1. fatherjohn

    Surviving a Banditry attempt. (CA 24)

    no, i've never used scripts. I don't even know what scripts are exactly, as I've never researched them because I have no interest in cheating. I didn't dupe any items, and I'm not even carrying any hacked items picked up from a hacker. The only think I can think of is maybe my ping spiked and they have a ping limit? My ping was around 90, which i thought was good, so I don't know.
  2. fatherjohn

    Surviving a Banditry attempt. (CA 24)

    WTF. So, i went on CA24, not even to loot your jeep, as I think I'm on the opposite side of the map, and after about 10 minutes, I get kicked by the admin, for absolutely no reason. I'm literally running around looking for a vehicle that may or may not be in the area. That was lame.
  3. fatherjohn

    Surviving a Banditry attempt. (CA 24)

    i'd go and check it out, but me thinks you're going to ambush me and shoot me in the face when I do. ;)
  4. fatherjohn

    Surviving a Banditry attempt. (CA 24)

    fair enough. i just thought maybe you were being a greedy hoarding douche, but you're alright. "Hell, I like you. You can F--k my sister!" - Sgt. Hartman
  5. fatherjohn

    The worst murderer ever

    LMAO At first, I found the music annoying. But the longer the video went on, it was just perfect. I would love to know who that guy was. he was so desperate to kill you, and yet....FAIL His ping must've been horrible. how could he not hit you when you were on the ground?
  6. Seven. Seven are still active.
  7. fatherjohn

    Surviving a Banditry attempt. (CA 24)

    Why do you need to hide more than one bike for yourself?
  8. fatherjohn

    takin a shit in the standalone

    all of your posts are just horrendous. I wish you would just fall into a puddle of Ebola virus and go away.
  9. fatherjohn

    i want to cut myself

    Attention whore
  10. fatherjohn

    I was forced... I feel so dirty

    it was just the magic of the music. you can't help but to dance. it's a worse disease than than becoming an infected zombie
  11. fatherjohn

    Zombie aggro adjustments.

    all valid points....but... The system is a quick and dirty alpha, so it's designed in a more simple fashion. hopefully, in the standalone, this could be developed over time.
  12. fatherjohn

    A day as a DayZ Murderer

    I agree with everything you said here. I liked the dude in the Ghillie suit, and it should be hard to get rid of the bandit skin.
  13. fatherjohn

    A day as a DayZ Murderer

    lame. glad to see you got shot at the end. that was my favorite part. either man up and hunt the man down, or don't. don't be a wimp and pretend to be friendly so you can cheap shot someone.
  14. fatherjohn

    Horrible Shot :P

    LOL I always yell that into the mic when a bandit is trying to shoot me and he misses with his automatic weapon and is a horrible shot. I'm just running for cover and reciting that Jim Carey quote Was that you actually shooting?
  15. fatherjohn

    Why do DayZ players worship Mountain Dew?

    you mean mountain dew doesn't give you invincibility?
  16. fatherjohn

    What the heck?

    I'd say at least twice i've been kicked for script restrictions, one being #20. I wouldn't even know how to hack this game if I wanted to. I wonder what #20 is, exactly?
  17. Great. First we had server hoppers. Now we have thread hoppers!?
  18. fatherjohn

    Tell about your first kill.

    That's an interesting kill, because I wonder if by having the zombies finish the job, did the kill not count against you and your humanity, if one was concerned about that.
  19. I don't know that guy, but your post is hilarious
  20. fatherjohn

    Tell about your first kill.

    I'll be "that guy". Been playing since mid July when I got this in the Steam summer sale, and have yet to kill another player. Too busy trying to help others.
  21. fatherjohn

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    i'm 34, and most of you fellas are making me feel like a kid ;)
  22. fatherjohn

    Bored...entertain me!

    i think this belongs on EHarmony.com or some dating website J/K
  23. fatherjohn

    Note to all Medical Assistance Groups

    thanks. I enjoy helping people, making their day a bit better, as opposed to the barrage of bandits. Thanks for the shoutout, JA
  24. have you updated your game? I'm running the most current version, and there are numerous servers with 40+ players, so I've yet to have any difficulty finding servers that are populated