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Everything posted by Dazenil

  1. Dazenil

    Surviving Dayz 101

    Last edit 26\6\2012 This thread will take only a few moment to read and will save you lots of hours in game. hope you like it , and here we go: A) 1.When you start near the beach, check for Zeds, if clear Run for the woods. 2. If you start on a beach in a city\village, check for zeds, hide or run(crawl if zeds are around) for woods if possible. B) 1. look around you, look for landmarks and land formation. 2. open www.dayzmap.info 3. find your location on the map C) 1.your priority now is to find a weapon. 2. you have 2 options: 2.1 if you are far from a city , find the closest "deer stand" on the map and run for it, there will be 3\4 zeds guarding it. crawl to the tower and check it for weapons. if you find good if not, do 2.1 again. 2.2 if you are near a city (not a village) you can try to find a weapon there. there are certain building that have no Zeds in them. crawl through the city and try to find a weapon. 2.3 many players state that the best way in the beginning is to run to cherno \ electro and find all the equipment you need. It is risky but can be very rewarding. if hordes of zeds are on you just run into a building and exit from the other side. D) 1. now that you have a weapon (and a weapon does not make it a lot easier) its time to find some very needed equipment: 2. hunting knife, matches, hatchet, compass\watch(if its day you can use the sun as compass). some food and water (preferably a Canteen or 2) just to survive. E) 1.now that you have the basic equipment you can survive in the wilderness hunting and cooking meat. (dont forget its a good way to heal because every cooked meat restores 800 blood). water is not a problem because you can refill the canteen. only problem is ammo\bandages and most importantly those broken legs. 2. do not go into farms and garages , they are full of zeds mostly. loot deer stands\supermarkets in small towns\gas stations and so on. stay away from the big cities. F)(extra bit) Crawl, Crawl, Crawl! so you conserve ammo and don't get engaged by mobs of zeds or show your position to bandits. In the woods Run. If zeds engage you while you Crawl get up and run into a building, and shoot in the head one by one. don't reload untill the magazine is empty or you will be stuck with almost empty mags taking space in your inventory. Good luck out there. Will add more as it goes, will add other players Tips if needed. for extra information check www.dayzwiki.com hope you like it :angel: yours Dazenil
  2. Dazenil

    Surviving Dayz 101

  3. Dazenil

    Surviving Dayz 101

    I have read the comments and will add the run into a big city. thanx for the comments. =)
  4. Dazenil

    Surviving Dayz 101

    bump =P
  5. Dazenil

    Surviving Dayz 101

    ok - you can also do it won a server with 0 people. less zeds no bandits and all the loot. but sometimes you spawn far from the main towns. what then an hour of running just to die. and on decent servers with good numbers cherno and electro are empty of loot and full of bandits, zeds and other newly started.
  6. Dazenil

    Surviving Dayz 101

    i don't agree about running into a city like crazy and grabbing a weapon. for a example: you'v run into cherno or electro got into a building and found a weapon. 30 zeds on your rear entering the building and a bandit with a sniper rifle knows you are there and just wishes for another frag... Idk... take it slow, you will survive longer.
  7. Dazenil

    Why are people calling zombies zeds?

    its from the name of the mod. Dayz. From the letter Z specificly.
  8. Hey, I am tired of playing alone. I am looking for a clan\company. don't care if you do whatever is needed to survive. I get Best Ping in western EU. Im from israel, But I dont care for politics. :) so if you have room for a good lad just write down here.
  9. Dazenil

    Looking for a Clan (EU)

    Hi Zim , thanx for the invite, I see your community plays many different games, but how many play Dayz?
  10. invite sent -im currently looking into a few clans
  11. yo im from israel too. =P
  12. bought everything all the dlc's - it was for a special price very cheap
  13. yesterday I bought Arma 2 Just for this Mod. I Found it Very hard to play without gun, 7 hours into the game and 4 deaths I finally managed to find a 1866 rifle ... Then it became a little easier. One more thing i need to add - Broken leg is a death sentence, getting from place to place is nerve breaking and i haven't found any morf" anywhere.