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About motocross

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    16 year old senior high student, have been playing arma 2 and all of the expansions for years. Enjoy this mod allot and I Hope to see you out on the field.

    I'm friendly btw.. or am I?...
  1. motocross

    I can't wait for hackers to SUCK

    HAHAHAHAA, fuck, this, this and a little bit more of this.
  2. I personally stopped playing months ago, not because I died, im sitting in the woods with a as50 and a l85 and gillie suit, I just know there is no point, because im going to lose all that hard work eventually due to some ungratefully hacking fuck. So I have stopped playing, I will buy the standalone, however I vouch not to play until it is released.
  3. I've had it and fixed it. 13 posts and thinks he knows all. I've played since dayz came out, literally about 1 day after dayz went public officially. I think I know a bit about fixing it, as I have to nearly every 3 days or so.
  4. motocross

    New Map?

    Shit. I'm a derp.
  5. motocross

    New Map?

    I don't think so man, by my memory, he just showed, the story of what it is, how it will be and ext, just screen shots, no arma 3. But I may be wrong.
  6. Wrong server version. Fuck you have unreliable sources. Means you have the wrong dayz or arma 2 beta version.
  7. motocross

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    And if you bothered to read my whole post you would see I said you can say it either ways,but its actually named with zee.Day zero is because when you spawn, it is day zero. In a unknown area, it is your story, how you lived, how you survived, how you died. All starting at day zero. Im sure you can look at his showing of dayz at the games conference (Can't remember what it was called.)
  8. motocross

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    I wasn't calling your friends retarded. Just the fact that the creator calls it that, the game is based around day zero and that its common sense.
  9. motocross

    screen shots?

    It analyses your computer and background programs which are unecissary to game, and stops them while you game, it boosts my pc by 42 percent. It also shows the heat, fps, and does all the other stuff. It can also collect data on your drive and you can download updates for them through it.
  10. motocross

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    It is actually pronounced ''Day zee'' But it can be said either way. You guys must have some retarded friends if they think you are saying daisy.Anyway. Dayzee Dayz Day0. There you go.
  11. motocross

    screen shots?

    Get game booster 3 beta. It speeds up your computer, and the beta version has a video and picture taking ability.
  12. motocross

    Getting tired of this,

    But why? Why go to n/w just to kill? I go there to get a new gun for my tent or car. Then I head back to the coast and refuel the jerry cans. If I find a new spawn ill tell him to get a gun out of the back and ask if he wants to come. Sure some people choose to take one and use it to their advantage against me. But I can easily track them down. But I don't drive on the coast running them down or sniping them, just as I don't go to n/w to kill people. Eventually boredom will surcome to you and you will do exactly what you hate. Trust me.
  13. motocross

    Getting tired of this,

    There is no such thing as competitive pvp. As soon as you shoot at someone you start a pvp, you do not have to shoot though. You should be working with your fellow survivors instead of slaughtering them. You are as bad as elec bandits.
  14. motocross

    Getting tired of this,

    <Crys about being killed by bandits. <Wants to do exactly what he hates. lul.