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Everything posted by tiss

  1. tiss

    Guy gets robbed

    Should have just shot, probably could have gotten 2 of them
  2. tiss

    37 murders and counting..

    I sniped you in Cherno yesterday TheDukey. P.S. 'Cool story bro' went out of fashion about the same time skin tight pants did.
  3. tiss

    When you find a sniper rifle...

    when you have a 1 hit kill sniper rifle already...
  4. tiss

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    When I first started playing I was friendly. After the first 5 or so lives that I actually felt I had everything (all supplies, good weapons, etc.) I gradually got bored. This is when I became a bandit. Give people something to do besides pking and they might actually do it.
  5. I like the idea of once you find a radio side chat and other chat channels open up to you. Of course the radio shouldn't be a rare spawn.
  6. oh hey it's that guy again that only replies with 'it's an alpha test bud'
  7. I personally love the thought of pking on such a server.
  8. tiss

    Hacks in Action

    ^Except he's not supporting it and you have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry but he just explained the whole situation in his stream before you made your post, maybe get more info before you reply (maybe watch the stream for more than 5mins?), thank you. TLDR: No he does not condone it.
  9. tiss

    Hacks in Action

    This guy (the hacker not Kai) can change his character into a dog or zombie and run around with their animations. He also spawns vehicles and fly/drives them around. Script detection fail or maybe he really is a member of the dev. team.
  10. Everyone died at once at around 4:50am GMT -6 mountain time on 6/21. Mass kill NY 47 4:50am GMT -6 mountain time