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Tyrone (DayZ)

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About Tyrone (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I had just respawned due to being in a very uncomfortable place without a gun. I was in Cap Golova, in a server with about 5 people in it, who knew that I'd see someone immediately as I spawned. He had a zombie train of about 10, so I chased him for the fun of it, even though I had no weapon. He ran into a barn and started picking off the zombies with his revolver, as I sprinted around the barn trying to figure out which side he was on. Eventually, I just walked in. "Hello." He seemed like a nice guy, he even offered me food, water, and a gun. But I politely said no, and after he killed the zombies aggro'd on me, I said goodbye and "ran away." Little did he know, I went into a stable/barn and picked up a fancy double barrel. He was dumb, he faced into the corner of the barn, so I crept up behind him and took a shot. Right into his back, he immediately went prone so I ran behind and took another shot. He was down. It was exhilarating and now I truly know why bandits do what they do. (Loot: 20 assrt. food, ALICE pack, Revolver, Enfield, Tent, toolbelt items)
  2. It's true. This was truly magnificent.