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TheGunslinger (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TheGunslinger (DayZ)

  1. TheGunslinger (DayZ)

    Vehicle repair success stories...

    So my group had a chopper and we were in a Teamspeak together. I was just running from one spot to another not doing anything worth talking about. What I hear over ts made my day though. Most of the people in the chopper had desync a lot of the time so they were used to seeing the chopper doing crazy things like hitting the ground then they would sync and be fine. They all start to laugh and say wow were are doing barrel rolls and stuff haha. Then silence for a second. Then I hear WTF what happened we really crashed! From 7 people in the chopper you hear whinning/ uncontrollable sadness. The last person... the pilot is silent for about a minute until ts calms down enough for him to explain... Long story short he pulled out his map while flying. He will never fly again... ever. Reaper
  2. TheGunslinger (DayZ)

    Seeing myself on my own map (with GPS)

    I think its due to a server setting. Reaper
  3. TheGunslinger (DayZ)

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    The legion guys are nice and friendly. I have run into a few of them on server and we grouped up and stuck together for as long as we could. Fun servers and players as far as I can tell. Yeah every once in a while I get shot but who doesn't. Get over it, its part of the game. The alt f4 is just bullshit imo whether its because of pvp or vs zed. I have yet to see/hear any legion do it but that's just me. Reaper