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panzereich (DayZ)

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Everything posted by panzereich (DayZ)

  1. panzereich (DayZ)

    Arma2 or OA or CO wont start

    I spent the last day fixing a problem I had created for myself. I saw a few posts going around and thought this will definitely help someone. Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1 - via Windows Update After I installed this, Arma 2 or any of the other expansions / mods etc stopped working. It took me a while to figure out, as I had made quite a few changes to my os and I finally narrowed it down to this. The app would launch via steam, all the boxes tick except for last two and then it crashes with no error report. No error is reported in the arma2 error log file either. Although this is a known issue with steam and service pack 1, there is not much mention of it anywhere else in relation to ARMA2 or DAYZ. Most related posts are answered with open as administrator etc etc... this doesn't help. So if this has happened to you, then you need to either uninstall the service pack or reinstall windows 7 and not update to it. After doing this, I had to mess around a bit to get Dayz working again. Most importantly is to install the beta patch, copy the new .exe over the original and change the command line in launch options for ARMA 2 OA in steam. I hope this helps someone out there....
  2. panzereich (DayZ)

    Things I wish were never introduced to DayZ

    enough with these threads. Shut the F up and go make your own game using all your bad ideas lol.
  3. panzereich (DayZ)

    Anyone else using TrackIR?

    In my group I am the only one using trakir. As we cross mountains etc, I'm the one in the group who seems to always spot the choppers or cows or sheep etc Trakir helps quite a lot in this game and yeh, covering a door with your gun while still being able to look around is perfect. Two night ago I was covering my friends in the south west airfield with a sniper rifle. I killed a few guys who where coming near my pals. Eventually some guy with a pistol must have spotted my position. The only thing that saved me was trakir as I saw him coming in at me before I could even hear him. When I stood and swung my rifle in his direction he couldnt get away from me fast enough lol. I let him go and moved to another spot.
  4. panzereich (DayZ)

    GOD Mode for a Day...Z [VIDEO]

    Killing players when your obviously exploiting a glitch? I can think of a suitable reward for people like you. Collect it from here: support@battleye.com Just send them a link to your aw3som3 video champ...