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Everything posted by cullenhelwig@gmail.com

  1. cullenhelwig@gmail.com

    US 448 (Atlanta 49)

    Without a 100% confirmation, our hands are tied. However, any "Godmode", teleporting, spawning hackers we catch wind of, we take care of promptly (with full server shutdown so they don't kill more people). Game gets more popular, means more people are playing which means more hackers... so it seems, as there has been a lot more recently. We will look into the logs but, again without proof, we can't really do anything. But if you find anything else, feel free to post here, PM me, or send and e-mail to the address indicated on the server MOTD. Screenshots/videos help too. Grab fraps or use steam to catch them in the act -- its a sure-fire way of catching them.
  2. cullenhelwig@gmail.com


    Hey man, we have noticed the influx of some hackers. We have banned and reported a handful over the week. We are tryin' our best. Thanks for the post though. Best way, however, is contacting us through the email posted at the server's MOTD. ~Helwig
  3. cullenhelwig@gmail.com

    US 448 (Atlanta 49)

    Hey dude. Me and a buddy of mine were one that day. I wasn't a server mod yet so, there was nothing I could do. Therefore, I wasn't (we weren't) able to get a name, however, if it happens again, action will be taken; the recent influx of hacks has had us tighten our security a bit.
  4. cullenhelwig@gmail.com


    Yeah, he was in our server spawning helicopters, enabling godmode, teleporting vehicles and himself. He is banned from our server now.
  5. cullenhelwig@gmail.com

    Hacker [BT] Tiago

    Issue is known. He is currently banned from US 448.
  6. And? The whole point is you are supposed to look for em.
  7. Hinting there are new ones? =o
  8. Well its fitting as most people are giddy little children waiting for their candy ;)
  9. cullenhelwig@gmail.com

    Helicopters in the game?

    May take a "moment" for them to spawn in.
  10. cullenhelwig@gmail.com

    Night Servers during the Day (US)

    Anyone know if there are US Servers where it is night-time ingame during the day (irl). I enjoy playing the game while its dark but I don't want to have to stay up through the night (irl) to do so. Would prefer the servers to be US so my ping isnt high. Thanks in advance.
  11. cullenhelwig@gmail.com

    Atlanta 14 - Cherno Exploded

    :huh: [image] :huh: Damn hackers :-/
  12. cullenhelwig@gmail.com

    101 Servers violating slot requirement

    Here is an image of Atlanta 85 with a 1 person cap.