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Everything posted by gvyrus8

  1. gvyrus8

    DayZ Frostline Release

    Massive fail for this update all across the board. Well done team!!! I hear Scum is nice this time of year.
  2. The new map update today broke other maps. Bugged the launcher for people running custom maps. Locking them saying buy DLC. Maps that aren't cold maps ,players are dying from freezing. How did BI not know this was going to happen? Or did they know and let it happen so people play the new map? because that's dirty!
  3. gvyrus8

    Many servers is down, why?

    The new maps ingame features broke alot of other custom maps. I rent from GTX Gaming host and when I updated the game on my server. The updated added the new maps pbos so now players are dying from freezing on a map thats not cold. This update killed alot of servers. But whats the best way to get people to play your new map? Break all the other maps.
  4. Server Name - Project-ShadowWalkerZ-The Offering | Survival Connection Info - Platform - PC Map - Deerisle US/NY East coast server Discord Link - https://discord.gg/PkrydQA8tQ Dipping my toe in the water as I've never promoted a server I have built. I have a small 10 slot server focused on survival but not limited to. Pvp and pve are all welcome. Rules are much as you would expect. No cheating with any hacks or exploits of any kind. That's a automatic ban. Been building servers for fun for the last few years for fun for me and some friends. The server is a bit challenging but that's how I like to play it. Maybe just maybe someone out there will enjoy it as well. !!!SERVER FEATURES INCLUED BUT NOT LIMITED TO!!! - 1 Trader that only comes out at night and moves to random locations - - Supply drops and a butt ton of missions - - Player progression system for things like Stamina , hunting , building etc - - Party system - - ATM's - - Base Respawns on cooldown - - Leaderboard - - Lootable AI - - Recruitable AI - - 4 Hour Restarts - - Reduced Vehicle Damage - - Headshot Zombies - - Custom Baseable areas (Finders Keepers) - - 30 mod modlist - So nothing too crazy And always working on new ideas and am very open to suggestions. Come on by and give it a go and tell me what you think.