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About Serberus_1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Serberus_1

    PS5 No access to servers

    Is everyone else on PS5/PS4 still having issues like I am? I can get on my saved official server but that's it. Haven't heard, well can't find, any further news from the developers re this problem since Tuesday.
  2. Hi there, Does anyone know if and when the server issue will be sorted? I can get on my saved favourite server but nothing else. Is this the same for everyone? Really want to play Sakhal. And Bohemia need sort out a better way of telling people about issues because I have only found one announcement on X (which I don't use) and that was yesterday, no update since.
  3. BTW I'm making enough food for a group and honestly not interested in killing and looting other players because if you've got this far and with enough stuff it's frigging annoying to lose it all. Plus quite fancy fortifying this village!
  4. Hi all, Been playing a few weeks now and bored of being a lone survivor. I'm all set up growing my own food and living off the land at this relatively good village. I'm on Official Server EU8621. I'm UK/GMT so anyone else free days/evenings and weekends would be good to team up.
  5. Serberus_1

    New player need help

    Still looking for help?