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grieves (DayZ)

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Everything posted by grieves (DayZ)

  1. Short story: Coming out of Cherno north apartments, headed North. I run through the trees West of the North road. To my right about 200 metres away I see a bandit running along on the road with 5 or so zombies on his trail. He picks them off while running backwards using his m1911. I stalk him through the trees, trying to get a good shot looking down my AK-74 sights. He runs through some houses North of Cherno picking up a few more zombies. He then pulls out an AKM and starts to pick them off. At this point I'm sitting in the trees about 50 metres away with a clear shot. 3 bullets are fired from my gun, he goes down. I approach cautiously, quickly firing another two rounds to be sure he's gone. I sit back in my computer chair, my heart is palpitating. I start thinking, my mind racing, "I just made someone lose their work". He could have worked really hard for all the survival gear and weapons that he had. Suddenly, I start to feel bad. I feel guilt, even though I can justify my actions by saying that he was a bandit who probably killed and stole for the items he had, I still feel bad. Since then I have killed people and been killed by people in many situations from beanspawn to heavily-geared PvP to group firefights and every single time, the same feeling I got from the Bandit on the road comes back. I agree with the OP and yet I can also totally agree with the opposite argument, that this is what makes the game completely visceral and unique. As of right now, however, I don't think I'm having fun playing this game and if something gets implemented to change my game experience I'll come back for another go.
  2. grieves (DayZ)

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    Make it so that the extremely high end gear that spawns in barracks also spawns in deer stands all over the map. From the cheat sheet certain stuff (NVG, some silenced weapons) doesn't spawn in deer stands. Just give me somewhere else to go that isn't NW airfield.