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Posts posted by Crooze

  1. WOW thanks!!! But it will be still hard to find the vehicles that are near the boundaries. But still better then nothing!

    Could you please tell us if you are looking into fixing the disappearing bodies and the dead body sound ? Those are the most annoying and game breaking things. Especially the disappearing bodies with all their loot within seconds after the player dies. I dont want the ETA etc' date=' just say if you are consider it a problem and whether you thinking to fixing it some day ?


    The bodies that disappear after you think you kill them are just people that managed to alt+f4 before they died. That, in my opinion, is the most game breaking issue. I don't really care if I hear some flies or whatever, but the alt+f4 thing is so obnoxious.

  2. So' date=' if I just switch to the other account and then use SixLauncher, will that work?


    Yes, but first launch OA from within Steam one time, so it changes the key to your windows registry.

    Alright, so just to confirm, when I buy OA on the second account, I won't have to install it, since it is already installed from the first account. So then I just launch it from the second account and can begin playing?

  3. When you want to swicth between the two' date=' just login with the steam account you want (don't forget to LOGOUT from the previous one when switching) and then launch Arma2 (execute it from steam, or just quit steam after have switched to the right account and use your launcher);


    So, if I just switch to the other account and then use SixLauncher, will that work?

  4. If you won't let me connect with my second PAID LEGAL STEAM COPY tied to its own separate Steam account' date=' then give me my money back. And quit threatening to "degrade" my illegal copy, because it is NOT AN ILLEGAL COPY.


    I'm using two OA copies (you only need two of them.. not the whole Arma2) on two steam accounts on the same PC. I switch between the accounts in steam, and it automagically writes the respective key to the registry, so when i log in Arma2/DayZ i can play with a different (separate) character.

    - You already have Arma2 CO (Arma2+OA);

    - You created a profile for Dayz and you're playing with it;


    - Create a new steam account;

    - Buy OA (OA only) on it;

    - You don't need to install it again (you already have it);

    - Launch Arma2/Dayz again and create a new profile (this step is not required; but then you can differentiate the characters);

    - Now you gonna spawn again with a fresh caracter;

    When you want to swicth between the two, just login with the steam account you want (don't forget to LOGOUT from the previous one when switching) and then launch Arma2 (execute it from steam, or just quit steam after have switched to the right account and use your launcher);

    Thank you so much, man. You saved me alot of trouble.

  5. Making another profile doesn't work eh?

    I have 2 profiles but I never checked to see if it separates your characters at all.

    My guess it doesn't since this thread exists :p

    No, switching player profiles in the main menu doesnt do anything but change the appearance or name of the character you currently have. In other words, switching profiles doesn't create another character, it simply modifies the existing one.

    I would really like to know how to create a new, separate account for my brother. But I don't want to mess it up xD

  6. Sitting in a corner staring at a wall waiting for people is not playing the game' date=' it's just sitting there.


    Supermarkets are pretty open dude, you should probably try and scout the place out before moving in some place. Take your time and move slowly, observe the location before you just run right inside.

  7. Yeah, I think the most important thing to keep in mind when playing this game is that you will die. You will lose all that epic loot that you had worked so hard for. Usually to something stupid or an accident. But keeping that in mind, it has helped me a lot in the game, when I lose really good gear I just sit back for a second and go "Welp, I guess I get to start again!"

    And, can you tell me what map it was that you printed off?
