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About Crooze

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  1. Nevermind, im just retarded
  2. Crooze

    Anyway to have multiple accounts?

    Alright, so just to confirm, when I buy OA on the second account, I won't have to install it, since it is already installed from the first account. So then I just launch it from the second account and can begin playing?
  3. Crooze

    Anyway to have multiple accounts?

    Thank you so much, man. You saved me alot of trouble.
  4. Crooze

    Anyway to have multiple accounts?

    No, switching player profiles in the main menu doesnt do anything but change the appearance or name of the character you currently have. In other words, switching profiles doesn't create another character, it simply modifies the existing one. I would really like to know how to create a new, separate account for my brother. But I don't want to mess it up xD
  5. Crooze

    Question on two copies / cd key

    So does this mean that I have to make a separate steam account and then buy OA on that? Would that work Mctittles?
  6. Crooze

    Anyway to have multiple accounts?

    So, if I buy another copy of Arma2:CO will it activate another account, even on the same machine? I want to be able to play with friends when they are online but, I would like to be able to play solo, on a separate character when they aren't around. Thanks!
  7. Crooze

    Interactive Chernarus Map

    seems to just say "Welcome to nginx!" whats up with that?
  8. Crooze

    One Month of DayZ...

    Yeah, I think the most important thing to keep in mind when playing this game is that you will die. You will lose all that epic loot that you had worked so hard for. Usually to something stupid or an accident. But keeping that in mind, it has helped me a lot in the game, when I lose really good gear I just sit back for a second and go "Welp, I guess I get to start again!" And, can you tell me what map it was that you printed off?
  9. Crooze

    IF this was an actual game...

    Please no F2P, I don't have an issue with subscription or just a purchase. I would support a Kickstarter. And I dunno if you should trust the community that much, but I don't really care either way.
  10. Crooze

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    I just found an MP5SD and that thing seems to have NO Power at all. It may be good for clearing zeds in a city but, for fighting, I dont think it will keep you alive. I think I may just switch back to my Lee Enfield, one of my favorite weapons in the game.
  11. Yeah, the server fps is terrible at the moment, its not even worth playing on, which makes me sad. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. :D