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Everything posted by CybrOptix

  1. CybrOptix

    cfgEffectArea Mod Question

    Hey Guys, I'm trying to create a mod which is a row of road flares on the ground using cfgEffect and the "fire_small_flare_red_01" particleName. So far I have the row of flares spawning ok, I just don't seem to be able to find any properties that relate to modifying the orientation angle of the flares on the ground (e.g from 0-360 degrees). Does anyone know how to change this? Is there any way to even do this?
  2. From my understanding, spawnabletypes is essentially a library of objects (and their associated attachments and/or loot) that can be spawned into DayZ. I'm also aware you can create custom loadouts of spawnabletypes objects which gets defined within spawnabletypes (e.g. fully complete vehicles with all of its parts & loaded with loot). Is it possible to create a custom spawnabletype object if it inherits its properties from a parent object. For example, say I wanted to create a Christmas Car (which was nothing more than a green Ada filled with Christmas present loot). I don't want all of the regular (green) Ada's to spawn in with Xmas loot...just the custom Christmas Ada's. I know that when you create custom events, you need to prefix the event name with (what i'm presuming) is the spawnabletype object name (e.g. VehicleHatchback02Christmas > which references the default VehicleHatchback02 (Ada) object). Which leads me to wonder, if its possible actually create a custom VehicleHatchback02Christmas object within spawnabletypes that inherits all of the VehicleHatchback02 properties (but could be customised to contain the Christmas loot), and could be referenced by the events and eventspawns.
  3. Hi Gang, I'm wondering if its possible to have server messages that spread over multiple lines? AKA carriage return or </br> (in HTML). I've tried the multiple approaches: Seperate lines <text>This is the first line.</text> <text>This is the second line.</text> Didin't work I also tried the linux CR special character "&#xA;" which kind of worked. In that I could see the first pixels of the 2nd line - but it didn't push up. Any ideas? Is it even possible? If so, how do you do it? TIA
  4. CybrOptix

    Barrel Load Outs

    Hey Gang, I'm trying to preload my Green Barrels full of building supply loo on my Community Server.. I 'think' i've got the load out sussed (by way of adding the various attachments to the "Barrel_Green" type within the cfspawnabletypes.xml). However I need to test this, and was looking to do so by spawning a barrel next to me where I spawn in. Problem is, I can't find any reference to the spawn locations of the barrels. Can anyone assist on this front? Thanks in advance C