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Everything posted by ihax

  1. ihax

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    -Available to moderate most days at least between 6pm-9pm. -Yes -Fairly active on the forums. -Yes -Diplomatic -Yes -21 or older -Yes -Spend pretty much all my downtime on the forums or playing DayZ or making videos of DayZ -Even at work I am constantly checking the forum on my iPhone just to see what new topics there are and what people are talking about. -Have owned many gaming forums in the past for numerous games and moderated on gaming forums here and there. -Even if I get off work at 9pm every now and then I am always up till 2-3am every night. -My GMT is -8 -Age 21
  2. ihax

    Too many downsides playing night?

    I have not come across NVGs at all. Playing with like my gamma and brightness turned all the way up puts so much strain on your eyes over hours of play. I've done night trails before and there is always plenty of moonlight to light up the path. There is never a time it is extremely pitch black where i can't even see myself.
  3. * [NEW] Server cleanup system replaced with a more agressive one * [NEW] Inventory Interaction system (right-click on items in gear screen to bring up interactions) * [NEW] Temperature System now implemented (effects are limited) * [NEW] Chance of catching infection the lower your temperature * [NEW] Chance of catching infection from already infected players * [NEW] Water can be filled in ponds, all water pumps, wells, but not the sea * [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4 * [NEW] Zombie's will investigate player deaths * [NEW] Adrenaline rush from panicing causes greately increased hunger for a while * [NEW] Bandaging Sound when bandaging yourself/someone * [NEW] Coughing sound when you have an infection * [NEW] Camera Shake when temperature drops extremely low * [NEW] PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas * [NEW] Fire requires wood to keep burning * [FIXED] Should not be pellets for the Winny * [FIXED] Helicopter loot despawning too fast * [FIXED] Fog is way too thick * [FIXED] Climbing a ladder with a pistol will cause you to fall * [FIXED] Zombies not attracted to Flares and Chemlights * [FIXED] Panic noises going apeshit all the time * [FIXED] Zombie spotted alert far too quiet (increased slightly) Rocket just posted that and some of the added features point towards being able to catch an infection also by other players too. What are your thoughts and opinions on this?
  4. Idk I mean the temp thing is nice feature to have but I just can't see myself getting used to it or liking it at all. I mean it's a little bit better now with the hotfix that was just added.
  5. yeahhh we're thinking about trying to run through a whole city at some point haha going to be epic.
  6. for the fun of it... hahahh But its kinda fun to do this every now and then ad see hwo things turn out haha makes it pretty scary and intense at times. Anyone else do this for fun or is it just me and my friend?
  7. ihax

    Don't Run Through Towns

    Thanks man. Make sure to subscribe for more future videos =]
  8. i ran out of tears to give you right now =\
  9. ihax

    Don't Run Through Towns

    I just download it to my 500gb WD black and using a i5 2500k OC'd to 4.5 GHz
  10. I can tell a lot of my friends are gonna stop playing this cause of more things to manage haha
  11. I'm just starting to see way too many things to focus on in 1.5.8. Could just be me but dont really want to have to manage every little cough or cold i get.
  12. ihax

    DayZ Radio Show (TWITCH.TV)

    DId you really just play "hard knock life" by annie -__-
  13. That's happened to me before. Not much i can do but try and sneak into a small barn and hope for some ammo
  14. ihax

    Don't Run Through Towns

    Yeah we pretty much killed everything in that town and booked it right after. Didn't even bother checking anymore zombies for food or anything knowing zombies were just about to respawn on top of us any minute
  15. I'm sure when the patch is released he will. For me it all sounds like things are gonna get a little more confusing and that I'm going to really need to manage my inventory space since now I need to somehow collect wood for my fires and probably some kind of antidote or medicine for infections
  16. ihax

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I can not wait! :) Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see something about the zombie respawn time
  17. we've had plenty more, just when we happen to not be recording haha
  18. ihax

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    thats not a bug. it was a feature that was implemented in previous update
  19. ihax

    Zed's more lifelike on three screens

    the f*ck am i looking at?!
  20. Run into a barn when sh*t hits the fan, they cant get in for their life hahah. Whats you're best way on clearing out zombies for you or your group?
  21. totally would except i have never come across any grenades before haha
  22. I have only found an akm the whole time ive played. guess im just unlucky to find anything more haha