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About klittcommander@yahoo.de

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  1. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    DayZ Memes

    Menace II society!!!! O dog's reaction was the coolest thing ever!
  2. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    LA 10 Broken bones.

    In think you walked straight into a bear trap, its an AOE trap.
  3. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    Tent's contents going poof.

    We had the same bug aswell. Keep your tents empty until the first Server restart after you placed 'em, then fill them up. if this won't work you could be the victim of some server hoppers perhaps.
  4. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    Buying standalone game

    10 bucks for a fuckin' beer? Where the Hell do you come from? Zombieland?
  5. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    M9 SD...

    Its because the MP5 SD doesn't use "Unterschallmunition" (don't know the English word for it).
  6. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    Do you ever go back south after you get well-geared and why?

    Yes why not? We need Fuel for our Cars, we need new cars, and perhaps a heli aswell. Sniping at different hot spots, sweeping towns and enemy tent camps, there are many reasons to head south. If we have a bus i think we will make some bus tours aswell.
  7. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    I kill everyone except Zombies and my team mates! Read the Comic "The Walking Dead" then you know the Zombies are the better humans!
  8. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    Chopper vs Hackers

    These are no hackers. Real hackers don't do shit like that. It's just a 14 year old kid with no skills & no balls. Cheater =/= hacker But nice vid!
  9. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    3 Weeks of hard work, finally paid off for my squad

    We got all that stuff in less then 1 day (i came back from camping Sunday 2 o clock GMT+1) from then till 00:00 o clock we raided the following items (these are just the items i remember we raided about 75 Weapons + nearly unlimited Ammo): Weapons: 6 x AS50 5 x LA85 4 x Bison SD 2 x M16 M203 4 x M4A1 CCO 2 x M4A1 CCO SD 3 x M4A3 CCO and much more (nearly every Weapon except the Dragunov) 3 x g-suits 4 x Camo Medics for about a decade nearly every tool (NV goggle/GPS etc.) Vehicles: 1 UAZ 1 Ural Civilian 1 Bus....(S1203) where we get it? No we are not camping crash sites.. we located enemy tent-camps (about 4 x 8 tents on different spots). we just wait every day till the Nerds fill em up then we raid em empty.
  10. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    Post apacolyptic greifing simulator for D-bags

    Drama Drama mimimi.... We are 4 ppl in our squad. We did raid about 15 tents in the last 2 Days complete, so its possible that we've raided your tents. If u are on antother server it could be another squad. It's so f*cking easy if you have a vehicle to completle Raid other tents empty. DayZ is no game dude.. it's an anti Game, it's Griefplay itself. The whole Zombiebros are just a little thrill in the first days. its so easy just to run from them through a building they're slowing down, Zombies gone or training other players with a horde of Zombies. Zheds are no competition anymore, they're way to easy to handle. So if "the whole server sticks together against the Zombie Armada hohoho" DayZ would get BORED. It woul be like Final Fantasy... yipiee letz do PVE 2gether *facepalm*, go back to Farmerama pls! Dude DayZ is an Alpha, its just for having fun. Why da Hell should we do it realistic? It's so dammn buggy the time isn't worth it to play it real, in fact that throughout a bug evrything can disapear, or you just die at respawning or whatever. If you don't like the way other ppl play, get some nightvision goggle, visit nightservers with 5/70 player. GL HF! Srry 4 my bad english, it's not my first language.
  11. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    WTF.... looks like our Camp! Dare you...
  12. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    If DayZ was Real, how would you act?

    What else as Dead is awaiting you? No matter what you do you will die some time. And if you are Dead it really doesn't matter when or how you died... If you are Dead you are dead.
  13. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    Agree or Disagree? Why we kill...

    You talk my thought! Mimimi in MMO ok... Mimimi in DayZ No thy!
  14. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    If DayZ was Real, how would you act?

    My Personal Miliz counts about 20 Men, they are all weaponed, no we're no Police officers we are criminals. (we got the weapons from some Kurds, don't know where they get 'em and i don't mind anyway). So the more ppl. we are the more Food we need. the less ppl we are the longer our supplies will hold. So we take the "important menkind" the women/kids and kill the unimportant "Men". We cannot take the risk of starving just because we need more genetic material for the farer Future. I hope there exist more paramilitary milize's like mine.
  15. klittcommander@yahoo.de

    What's the weirdest way you have died?

    - Searched a Dixi toilet 4 loot closed the door broke my legs, zombie aggro, rage, dead. - Searched an enemy Camping tent found a LA85 weaponed it, next thing i saw was another player with a hatched behind me.... bye bye L85. - Raided Devils Castle, someone went in fired a whole HK5 MAG at him he died.... three more of his group came in... last thin i saw was about 30 Bullets flying in my direction.