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Andrey Andreenkov

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About Andrey Andreenkov

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Andrey Andreenkov

    Day Z Current Gen?

    hey i can relate to your feeling for the game and its state on console. I have been playing this game on pc and than switched to console. I do not regread this decision, i agree with your arguments and i want to add something. probably controversial but i think Devs them self are not aware of it. So we all know that Sakhal is a complete scam, they just reusing Arma map and making it fit dayz and make few new features and "reworking" assets to make it seem les low effort scam project. this move was done in my oppinion to shut up console players for a while, as long as they are occupied exploring the new map. Frost line is a complete waste of thier recourses, as thier user terms of agreements states, mods made by the community infact belong to bohemia, well why dont use some of the mods and port them to console? Well with the DLC Sakhal they are planing to rip of hungry console players, by giving us just bare minimum to make us shut up. instead of focusing on the problems this game has and fixing them. And if somebody wants to tell me that they need to make money, yes I get it! but the thing is, many console players are playing it through gampass or playstation + which generates revenue per player per hour. so basicaly console players pay thier bills and they dont want to bring us to the same level as pc players are. this is just pathetic and scammy... bohmia if you are reading this. I am happy to make a interview with you, so you can explain your view on this topic or just anwer something.
  2. Andrey Andreenkov

    Damage system

    Hello bohemia and every one else! I have been playing DayZ Standalone since the first day of release back in 2013 on pc until last year when I changed to Xbox Console. I remember from previous days of DayZ that the damage systhem for guns was different and you could take a shot even from strong calibers, you had a chance to fight, you had a chance to prove your self. Lately I have noticed that current damage system is less competative it feels more like who ever spots the other first just won the fight it is especialy true if you are a solo catch a bullet and you eather die emidiatly or fall unconscious and than you will be finished off, I know you want to make a realistic game, but I feel like there should be a balance between realism and game, as i dont wat to play "life" in a game. So yea current core "fighting mechanic" is punishing for a player. Players have to decide weather they want to go with stamina and weak balistic protection, or strong protection but no stamina, and most players go with strong balistic protection and less stamina but even here if you are a solo adventurer, it is punishing, if you get shot once from a high caliber gun, you just fall unconscious and than its just GG well played, where back in the day you could have taken multiple shots before you die or fall uncountios which made fighting little bit more fair. You could even bring back the feature where when you had low HP your vision would become blurry, that was a grate feature. another suggestion would be, remove plate carriers from zombies and put them on helicrashes, make them more rare and overall more valuable item. make shock damage and damage in general little bit less, so that you might have a chance to survive or even fight back.