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About zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Monroeville Mall
  1. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    XSplit streaming and overlay tutorial

    I tried to stream but i cant seem to do it for dayz...my pc just cant handle it (it worked for Monkey Island though!). I might upgrade my CPU & try again in the future. :(
  2. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    Don't drink & drive...

  3. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    SurvivorGameZ. Winners: Puddn & b00a

    I couldn't watch the event live but i just watched the main recording (instead of working). Thanks to everyone involved for an awesome show!
  4. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    Thinking of coming back to dayz, anything changed?

    Custom maps! There's loads of new maps...some good, some bad but they are worth checking out.
  5. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    I'm Back! But where's everyone else...

    Get DayZ commander! Its good for finding friends too. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  6. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    Major performance issues while using Fraps.

    If you're running the free version of fraps then it can only record for 10 seconds or so. I lose about 10fps when recording & for me recording to an external drive doesn't really make a difference. Think im gonna give Dxtory a try as i heard it records the audio in separate channels which is useful.
  7. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    Smoke weed...
  8. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    Day Z Videos

  9. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZwatch - a Baywatch tribute

    Thanks for watching. :rolleyes:
  10. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ cowBOMB test

    Sweet vid! Is the arma editor easy to use as i could use it for a video im working on? Any tutorials out there for a noob?
  11. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    Guy Scares Me Late Night On Stream (My Reaction LOL )

    Nice monkey face you did there. XD
  12. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    Worst Heli squad of all time

    Bonus beans for the Airwolf theme tune. :)
  13. zombie3000@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ - Chopper Assholes...

    Just a quick video of some friends & me having fun in a chopper we found on Lingor Island. We didn't start with the intention of shooting everyone but we pretty much ended up being bandits because its fun to be a dick! :P
  14. Been playing on a private hive running Lingor Island for the last month or 2. Personally i prefer the map, ive not seen any combat loggers & not a single hacker...well there were hackers but they are detected & banned from the server when they try to script in weapons etc. :)