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About WipeDaDamnServersAlready

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    On the Coast

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  1. WipeDaDamnServersAlready

    Doesn't Matter Anymore

    DayZ Devs have already proven they cannot fix duping, they never will a new dupe glitch has already been found. Sure they can patch the tower glitch but we'll just find another game breaking glitch in a month at the latest. When Frostline does come out for both console and PC it's obviously going to be a broken lagged up frame dropping map. Same thing happened with NWAF rework, Livonia. Just release the Wipe to remove the towers currently in place and have everyone start at the beach give it a week or two it'll continue to be glitched out with this hot fix or not.
  2. WipeDaDamnServersAlready

    What's the Issue with Wiping Servers?

    Alot of the community has been waiting weeks and majority have purged their characters from a previous tweet by DayZ twitter, It has really riled up the community with frustration who were expecting a full character/server wipe on Official DayZ as of August 8th 2024, at 1900 CEST. Why can't the devs just wipe servers and maps as a separate update rather than trying to add a completely new map to the game which they know is not fully operational for release.