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About CaptainRogers

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    On the Coast
  1. CaptainRogers

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I'm trying to get a server going because I was told all I needed to do was get a server that had DayZ Auto-install available on it. Then I find out you have to wait in line to be "chosen". It has been over a week of waiting. This is definitely ridiculous. Team DayZ doesn't seem to realize they are just making a mod. They have no say what so ever how you run your own server. This is a mod and not an actual game. Arma 2 is the game. If the owners of Arma 2 (Developer Bohemia Interactive Studio; Publishers 505 Games (Europe), Got Game Entertainment (North America), and Designer Ivan Buchta) wanted the rules of hosting set that way, they would make it so. But Team DayZ does not own Arma 2 and can not enforce rules for a game they do not own. Team DayZ CAN NOT LEGALLY TELL A SERVER ADMIN WHAT TO DO WITH HIS/HER OWN SERVER. I've looked into this. Because Admins/Server Owners pay the bills, no one but them can make the rules for that server, and if a third party (Team DayZ) try to, it is denial of service by proxy. That is, we are not being allowed to play a legitimate copyrighted game on a server we have payed for (even though the server is sitting there waiting to be used) because the third party has blocked access. This is illegal. We as server admins and potential server admins need to make a stand. If I'm paying MY OWN MONEY for a server, no one is going to tell me what I can and can not do in it. It's my server. I will kick for my friends, I will kick for myself, I will kick for high ping and I will kick assholes. And someone said DayZ wouldn't be losing servers, apparently he doesn't read the posts. I have seen at least 20 other people change there minds about hosting a server, and if my server isn't set up with in the next 24hrs, I'm canceling my order and getting a refund to say the least.