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-Legion- Windhover

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Everything posted by -Legion- Windhover

  1. -Legion- Windhover

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    This will most likely be my only post on the DayZ fourms as I do not usually participate in such things so bare with me. As part of Legion I have had more fun with this group of people on Arma then I ever have with anyone else. I have never had this much fun on a game before. Now as of now I have no right to say anything about this trouble with people. I have huge respect for Dark Wolf, Chaos, and Nomad for their hard work bringing everyone together. I honestly dont know how they deal with all this bad press. Im just one of the grunts in the clan so my opinion really shouldnt matter in trouble like this but I would like to say that everyone at Legion is trying their best to allow everyone who plays DayZ to have a good time. If people wanted to talk to us we would talk. These are some of the most friendly gamers I have played with in a long time and are just having some fun. I guess what I am trying to say is, that I, as a grunt in Legion am sorry for anything that we may have done to cause so much distrust between the players and Legion members. I know this wont really mean much just from me but I want people to see that we are not bad people. Heck, this sounds like a sloppy pile of mush but its how I feel. Sorry for this guys :D I love DayZ and I want everyone to enjoy it. Signed- Windhover