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Everything posted by dayzplayer1234

  1. dayzplayer1234

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    use a map....once u drink and have a bottle...ur set for quite a while...stop bitching and l2p. Most of you here bitching about quite small changes...like a few less inventory spaces ruined the entire game for you?? how? u cant be a lootgoblin anymore ?
  2. dayzplayer1234

    Different NVGs and 380 ACP in 9mm pistol

    variety would be nice for nvgs. but loading different ammo types in uncompatible guns is just asking for more bugs and while it would be interesting to have ...the devs have alot more pressing issues that they should work on.
  3. dayzplayer1234

    Why Bohemia?

    To me your complaints seem like you are looking for more casual game experience in a game... Dayz is marketed as hardcore survival. Some of the things you complain about actualy make the game more immersive for me....why should a fire heat you up by only burning 0.5 sticks? currently it takes only 2-3 sticks on sakhal. Also it makes spoting people easier since fire is a neccesaty and leads to interactions. i could go on but you are just looking for a different and easier experience in the game.
  4. dayzplayer1234

    Why Bohemia?

    To me your complaints seem like you are looking for more casual game experience in a game... Dayz is marketed as hardcore survival. Some of the things you complain about actualy make the game more immersive for me....why should a fire heat you up by only burning 0.5 sticks? currently it takes only 2-3 sticks on sakhal. Also it makes spoting people easier since fire is a neccesaty and leads to interactions. i could go on but you are just looking for a different and easier experience in the game.
  5. dayzplayer1234

    TheRunningManZ's open letter to the DayZ developers

    I agree to that zombies should have more of a presence in the game and be reworked. Cool idea would be to have different types of zombies rather then the 1 type we see mostly only distinguishable variety being the clothing on them. Make zombies creepier !!! some bodyshape and ability variety to them i believe would also be much appreciated. About the " chore actions" i dont agree 100%....they are somewhat good. Thoes keep you moving , looking for stuff and give you incentive to take different approaches. More of a problem i think is the lack of other stuff that goes along with thoes chores. In example gear that reduce wear, tear, wetness and bleeding more adequately. Like there shouldnt be only ONE go to end game gear rather it being being more situational.( i think devs are already taking this aproach somewhat already...ie platecarrier blocks damage but makes u slow in return ) But devs are nutoriously slow in geting stuff done. In short as "TRMZ" said "game is not offering enough compelling survival mechanics for us" and they substitute that byplaying around with dials on already exsisting things (which is somewhat neccesary but shouldnt be considered a "major" update ) Random gas zones are well not that bad in my opinion but the ambient cannonblasts coming from the map border are not really that suitable for an abandoned apocalyptic scenery. Maybe instead of a simple cannonblast they could have added a new building or toxic waste containers that go off and release it. I hope devs get their act together and start actualy adding and fixing the overall game instead of developing single maps as dlc. (which modders can also do nearly to the same levels already) Currently to me it seems that the devs most of the time working on the game only shuffle simple content around and bug fix. occasionaly we see a teaser that might be a big update but really is meh at best...Instead of marketing department invest in the actualy game.
  6. dayzplayer1234

    Remove moving while looting

    never played on a console myself...but i agree...they should add some changes to make it more hardcore and survival orientated like they advertise it (currently vanilla game feels empty and not in a good way ) ...little frustratet about the upcoming dlc aswell...instead of improving on the game itself we get new map and a few at best "meh" additions added. I sincerly hope they expand on thoes and overall core gameplay/mechanics of dayz soon. (still waiting for infected to be more of a presence in dayz + also basebuilding updates???) I also understand that it takes time and effort to change or/and code stuff to the game properly but cmooooon
  7. dayzplayer1234

    Remove moving while looting

    there are some hardcore modded servers that have functions like that...simply by adding an option to search bodies/infected/containers ...which is interrupted by moving around....similar things for backbags...u need to hold it in your hands or droped on the ground to access...recommend you look into modded servers ...many are garbage overly modded pvp zones but there are a few gems to find if ur looking for that kind of an experience... vanilla servers...well they are too vanilla and lack depth, still in many ways.
  8. dayzplayer1234

    DayZ Frostline Expansion & FaQ

    If there is a need for it theres most likely a way for it aswel. But apparently the need is not as great or profitable enough to get new fresh content out. I hope ur puting thoes manpower hours to good use behind doors that are closed to us consumers/players ...maybe "dayz 2" ( some rumors on the internet ) ?? I wouldnt mind paying for that instead of a " meh" upcomming DLC.