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About dayzplayer1234

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. dayzplayer1234

    DayZ Update 1.27

    Nice to see half of the 2025 roadmap is dedicated to events that are basically a meme at this point. 1.27 is an update that should have been there at launch of frostline... Seems like another year of dissapointment...13 years and counting....
  2. dayzplayer1234

    The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt.

    allright.. The iq part is a bit unfair... Its more like they are just lazy OR a bunch of apes in a studio smashing keyboards and throwing sh*t at the game. ( an avarage steam workshop modder would think of and create a better and more suited "holiday event " than these devs come up with....Idk they could put in a bit more tought ...like 50% of their development is holiday events.
  3. dayzplayer1234

    The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt.

    Jeah...I was being sarcastic.(Might be difficult to tell in written form but I thought I was quite obvious)..so instead of focusing on breaking mouths you steroid pumped mongol...maybe focus on reading and actually trying to understand the sentences and words you reply to. Probly too long of a read for you. You got lost and confused before the end of the first sentence. Also the low iq part probly stroke a cord with you and made u feel insecure so you resort to mouth breaking. Yes I agree it's immersion breaking...like dayz is advertised as hardcore survivalgame.... then they add stupid stuff like that...feels just "cheap"
  4. dayzplayer1234

    The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt.

    Stop complaining. Be glad that the last devs bother to add anything at all to the game. The devs probly used all 74 IQ points to add this well thought out feature. ..they are really hard working and deserve to be praised for it.
  5. dayzplayer1234

    DayZ saved my life

    this OP post seems like an another add.... but anyways....did you also forward my messages a while back considering how lacking dayz development actually is ?
  6. dayzplayer1234

    Status _ Acess Violation

  7. dayzplayer1234

    Status _ Acess Violation

    Laziness is also a cross dayz and bohemia bare (pretty sure it's their company moto by now). I remember that there was an incident not too long ago, where the entire forum was flooded with spam that advertised sex/prostitution or some shit like that. It was on the forums for like 2 weeks. Only noticed when it was pointed out.
  8. dayzplayer1234

    Creating a server

    I find it offensive that people in dayz community are referred to as "kittens" by a dayz forum moderator. ( Least offensive of the things dayz has done and sayed to it's community tho) soo banhammer yourself over the head and keep it professional? Too much to ask probly. Also This situation did not necessarily require a moderator to interviere. Soo if your bored keep your kitten stuff to yourself and forward the message of how goddamn bad of a job the dayz dev team are doing.
  9. dayzplayer1234

    Creating a server

    No need to be that harsh. 6 year old wouldnt bother to come to a forum dedicated specially for dayz to ask this question. While yes alot of information can be obtained by google. BUT for a 1st time community server creator that info can be "overwhelming" . If you read carefully he is asking for pointers on where to start out his "journey " to create a server probly hopes for some1 with experience who has created a community server to provide a solid starting point . Rather then be overwhelmed and spend time going trough the abundance of information google search would result in. Example would be to give him a youtube video link that proved to be helpful and informative when 1st geting started ( many crap video guides that can confuse are also on youtube not only quality content ) rather than searching blindly, most likely hours, for a good guide. But your right it is quite a general question to ask but somebody with experience that already went trough the process of creating a server from scratch would understand the question and could point him in the right direction. will save a newcomer to this particular endeavour alot of time and effort.
  10. dayzplayer1234

    1.27 Experimental Release

    I dont see it as much of a debate kind of a facts by now...but you are right about it being pathetic tho. When a game studios idea of " development" has fallen to this level and been so for years apparently.... it really is pahtetic.
  11. dayzplayer1234

    1.27 Experimental Release

    Alright. Seems like a relatively minor task for you to be handling but well warranted and received since sometimes these arguments can get " heated" and out of hand. ( I already restrained myself and usually do when an "idiotic" argument is in question. but it can be somewhat frustrating at times which many can relate to. Also i wouldnt mind being referred to as an "idiot " or "stupid" myself as long an explanation or a reasonable counter argument is given as to why, for self improvement. also calling some one an idiot or stupid is just a simple way to but it rather than constructing an elaborate response that seems less insulting ) Also im kinda glad that my obviously and somehwhat harsh criticisim is monitored(That i strongly believe is well deserved by now ) I hope it does not fall on completely " deaf ears" and is received with a grain of salt ofcourse but recived non the less. I do not wish this type of "development" to become the "norm" in game development in general. People should be aware of this. Current situation shouldnt be acceptable by bohemia or the dayz team and should be remedied. Thanks.
  12. dayzplayer1234

    1.27 Experimental Release

    Seems like a setup for exactly this or just taking advantage of the situation. I was not any means being aggressive towards the person. As said its my right ( statet by yourself) to express my opinion. My opinion being " slap to the face (he/she/it or whatever lghbg+) is being an idiot and not really considering my answers and escalating on them instead. I would not mind having an intelligent argument over this but simply nit-picking on words is an " idiotic behaviour, defined as stupid also" specially considering im not a native english speaker and might not have the "proper terminology" for everything. So conclusion being he might have been acting purpousfully to try and " provoke" this warning response. To be cleat .it was not an act of aggression. It can be considered a minor insult at the very best.
  13. dayzplayer1234

    1.27 Experimental Release

    i take it back. You are an actual idiot, Dayz itself is a big "empty promise " by now.
  14. dayzplayer1234

    1.27 Experimental Release

    added edit to my previous response. but you answered quite quicly. I think its a little harsh to call you an idiot...so let me educate instead: Do you think its okay to also sell another DLC ? maybe so ...more funding hopefully = more development. BUT the DLC they released and asked money for AGAIN! Is simply "half-assed" and seems like its not properly thought through. They now make patches and add content that should have been there since the release of the said DLC. ( Only reason they might have bothered adding to it this quicly is most likely the negative backlash they received ) So releasing broken, lacking and unbalanced content while asking money for it is OKAY by your standards ? Besides the main game has soo many issues needing to be adressed.
  15. dayzplayer1234

    1.27 Experimental Release

    Yes, you are an idiot. And im here to criticize it since..... I will make it simple for you: " ITS NOT OKAY FOR A GAME DEVELOPMENT STUDIO TO SELL EMPTY PROMISES" (they are doing the bare minimum of development to not seem like a scam ) I think its a little harsh to call you an idiot...so let me educate instead: Do you think its okay to also sell another DLC ? maybe so ...more funding hopefully = more development. BUT the DLC they released and asked money for AGAIN! Is simply "half-assed" and seems like its not properly thought through. They now make patches and add content that should have been there since the release of the said DLC. ( Only reason they might have bothered adding to it this quicly is most likely the negative backlash they received ) So releasing broken, lacking and unbalanced content while asking money for it is OKAY by your standards ? Besides the main game has soo many issues needing to be adressed.