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Everything posted by evilcoookie

  1. evilcoookie

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase with cosmetic micro trans. Server bound characters and server rentals.
  2. No. Lack of weapon encourages people to respawn until they reach cherno or elektro. More zombies, less people. PvP solved.
  3. evilcoookie

    Jet Skis, Boat Hitches, +New Vehicle Ideas

    I don't really see Chernarus having golf carts and dune buggies, but vehicles hitches and jet skis would be great. Additionally i would like to suggest that small boats go more than 14 kmh at top speed.
  4. just logged onto a server and cherno was completely nuked. buildings and everything destroyed
  5. i would love to help out with something like this. what do you guys need?
  6. I found 4 vehicles in 1 day purely by chance. Bicycle in the middle of a dirt road, someone's motorcycle on a hill by a tree, someone's empty fuel tank atv on a dirt road, then someone's van in a forest. I also found someone's off roader on a hill close to stary sobor, another atv out of gas in a bush off a road, then a bus by berezino. Just walk around in weird places and you will find vehicles.
  7. evilcoookie

    Vehicle inventory dissappeared

    same thing here. theory is that it was overloaded but no way of knowing
  8. evilcoookie

    Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

    Fire gun in one of 3 largest cities in game. Rage when zombies from other parts of the town come check out the noise.
  9. evilcoookie

    About time, a ATV!

    I was running in an open field when what looked like a shed was in a clump of trees in the middle of the field. Further investigation revealed that it was a tractor. Engine and Hull were orange and it had half a tank of gas, but i fell in love it. I was cruisin toward Berezino with my very jealous companions on my heels. They're laughing at how ridiculously loud it is, but I'm out pacing them and having a blast. I park the beloved thing in a forest on the outskirts of town and wait for my friends to catch up. It was then that i realized that half of the tractor had clipped through the tree in front of me. I immediately eject from the tractor, but as soon as i step out, the damn thing explodes! The blast causes me to lose 6000 blood and left me bleeding and unconscious. My friends, laughing ever harder as they caught up just enough to witness the explosion, stop my bleeding, give me a transfusion and drag my unconscious ass until i came too.
  10. evilcoookie

    Respawn Yes/No confirmation

    The other day I opened the menu with the intention of adjusting some audio settings. My mouse slipped a few pixels too high, I clicked and died. I'm not mad about the death, but a confirmation before killing yourself would be nice.
  11. evilcoookie

    End Game Co op idea

    TL:DR add factions/radio networks I know the game is in alpha and has a ways to go, but I still have an idea to promote co operative play. The general idea to create factions which be distinguished visually through a different colored hat, armband, uniform etc. The point of these factions would be to create mutual understanding of allegiances quickly with a glance. If two clearly marked clan members meet eachother in a city, they would theoretically be more willing to work together and wouldn't shoot eachother on sight. Or, opposing members kill eachother, but the kill is a part of faction warfare which gives meaning to pvp. To make factions work, there have to be incentives. The idea to build settlements complements the faction idea. When factions make settlements, it provides a relatively safe meeting place to group up, exchange/store equipment. Plan vehicle acquisition missions etc. Another idea that i think would complement this is the implementation of faction radio networks. With the radio network, players would be allowed to use text/voip with other players on the frequency. An advanced version of the idea would include a system to report sightings of bandits/opposing factions which would mark reported sightings on the in game map. This idea would take a lot of work to create, but it would definitely promote team play. Leave any feed back/constructive criticism.
  12. evilcoookie

    Make Zeds investigate when audio-detected

    10/10 i like this idea.
  13. evilcoookie

    Nerf NVG

    I agree with OP. Balance is important especially in a game which is at its core, is about competing for limited resources. As OP also said, NVGs are undetectable and counterplay only exists if they miss the first shot, then your chances are still pretty grim. The advantages that NVGs give players is unmatched. People can easily see and hear vehicles coming miles away. Moving smartly from cover to cover will generally keep you safe from snipers. Nighttime NVG use essentially grants the user invisibility, the user see's the enemy, the enemy is oblivious until it's too late. Throwing flares at an NVG user is the equivalent of throwing flour at an invisible gunman to make him visible. That's how broken NVGs are. It makes you an invisible gunman. That's the point OP is trying to make. So if youre trying to justify NVGs in their current state, explain how invisibility is balanced. And if you think balance doesn't matter, gtfo the forums.
  14. Playing with friends is great. I do it quite a bit. However, for a game its a bit unfair and unrealistic to have mechanics which force you to wait around for a friend (if you want to live). Now i get that requiring another player to administer blood transfusions promotes co operative play, but there should be other options than food to boost blood count. I would propose that you are able to use blood packs on yourself at half effectiveness. More specifically, you should have the option of using a blood pack on yourself to restore half of your missing blood. This factors in the difficulty of administering a blood transfusion on yourself while providing an option for solo play. As it is, if you drop below 5000 blood, (which reasonably happens with breaking legs, bleeding and knock out mechanics), you're basically screwed if you don't have bags full of food or a friend. Additionally, its really hard to make random friends given the current communications in the game. So for the sake of the solo experience, please add a better way to restore blood alone.
  15. Anyone else feel like chem lights, flares, random ammo and hatchets are spawning way too much? I've scavenged on near empty servers for nearly 3 hours today and couldn't find any handguns, compasses or maps, matches etc. I found tons of handgun ammo, food water and medical supplies, but i can't find consistent sources of the other stuff. I've been checking, houses in cherno, firestations, grocery stores, barns, warehouses everything.
  16. evilcoookie loot patterns

    I'm finding more food and water than i can carry, but after 3 full cherno and elektro runs i still haven't found a sidearm, map/compass, matches etc. I'm only posting because after 3 hours i saw way too many chemlights, flares and random ammo after checking the vast majority of searchable buildings. I know theres good loot up north, but i want my set of basic tools and weapons before i head inland