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About BloodFreak

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  1. BloodFreak

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    80% of the death are made by captain respawn.
  2. So they really do vanish a little while after your death. I can see why some people are agains't the idea of been able to keep item after death, but I have some argument for that. Having tent be permanent would give players a goal, they would have something to work for. This will add something extra for bandit, because they could find, loot and destroy your tent. It would increase players map exploration. Right now people stay in pretty much the same spot, adding permanent will make people go off the path more often. Allow you to have a place you can kind of call home without it being safe. (your far from safe and even more likely to get raid and kill.) This are just some fast argument that I think makes permanent tent a good idea. You can't really just pile loot near a big city to attack every hours, because more than likely, if you hide it porely people will find it.
  3. I sure did get a lot of vote, but still have no answer to my question :S Come on, surely someone must know the answer to my question.
  4. Hello, I've been playing DayZ for a while and I never really use a camping tent. My group started to think about a more stable base and our first guest was a tent. The problem is that we don't really know much about them. I read the wiki and it said things that worried me. Here are some of the question I have. WARNING as of patch tents will often reappear empty after server restarts regardless if the save command was used. Is it really that bad? If it gets wipe everytime tent are kind of useless. For now you have to use the "Save" command from the mouse wheel menu in order to properly save a tent although there still is a chance that a server will eat your tent no matter what. Once again, is it common or not? Tents disappear some days after you have died; you can make a new tent after your death or reclaim items from the existing one, however you cannot take it even if you own it. In 1.7 it appears that tents last much longer after death. This is the one that worry me the most. What do they mean by that? Those that mean that if I die after having install the tent I only have limited time before it vanish? I mean the tent is suppose to be use to store good incase you die. Wouldn't making the tent vanish after a while negate that purpose? When I will die, will the tent vanish after a few days with all the items in it? It's really important that someone tell me, because I really don't want to spend time working on supply just to see it dissapear out of the blue. Tent should permanent until someone destroy it IMHO. What do you guys think?
  5. BloodFreak

    The Pvp Problem.

    Look I can survive all day in dayz when I'm alone and even more with a friend. What makes us nervous and careful are the players. Killer shouldn't be punish. It's either have real life friends or try to find someone with who you can share that relationship ingame. Do you know what the real punishment for killing everyone is? Being alone and weak. Get a team and kill or kill alone and stay alone. That's the punishment.
  6. BloodFreak

    please read: matchbox spawnrate

    suck too be you guys in less than 4hours me and my 3 friends found a total of 4 box. Wanna get the extra one ;)
  7. BloodFreak

    Spoiling or spoiled food and water vs. soda

    Wait wait we're missing the point here. OP you have spoil food in your fridge :O Also I'm not for spoil food I mean food is rare enough when your going in a group X_X
  8. Anybody want to add something else?
  9. BloodFreak

    Solution For Disconnect Exploit = DEATH

    As it is the zombie pathfinding is sooooo horible that's the reason why people DC. I mean we shouldn't try to fix the DC problem first, but the zombie glitchy nature. I mean if people DC it's not because it's too hard. It's because it's unfair. DCing during a pvp fight is very very lame tho.
  10. If the AI can't make fast zombie run straigh, well DON'T make fast zombie. It's either he find a way to fix it or make them slower so we can hit them even if they zig zag.
  11. Yes running out of sight of something that run twice as fast. Yeah, it's not really going to happen. This is frustrating me just like you ;)
  12. BloodFreak

    Broken bones

    I agree that zombie breaking leg in one hit is annoying, but why didn't you buddy ran over to the hospital to get you morphine lol? Would have being faster, believe me, I've ran twice for a friend.
  13. BloodFreak

    fix the knock out timers -_-

    Bone breaking and knock out timer should NOT be freaking % roll chance. I mean if you have 0.5% of knowdown each hit + 0.5% of bone breaking each hit. It makes it so you have 1% to almost certain death if your alone from 1 hit. It's ridiculous even in team when everything is going well. There is NOTHING worst than random roll like that. You should only get knock out if you are REALLY low on blood and bone should break only after like multiple hit (+10 at less).