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Posts posted by praisejollycoop

  1. 12 hours ago, nemorus said:

    Online Interactions

    As in any other online application, be extremely careful when interacting with other people online in the game: never share Your real life identity (including email or other personal details) with strangers unless You are entirely sure it is safe. We do not know who You can encounter in the game and what their intentions could be.


    I don't think a EULA is the best place for such a warning to reach its audience; it's just ticking a box.

    While I agree that players should be aware of what they share online and that it's their responsibility, for some, the extent to which their online play might be shared is beyond their imagination.


  2. 8 hours ago, Salvatore Spampinato said:

    Bruh,streamers did this for more than a decade and now you all think its wrong? If its wrong for dayz,its wrong for all games then,because if It Is an only rule for dayz It would have no sense,literally there are streamers on other games that do the same thing and worse and you think now "oH pLaYer PrivaCy iS iMpoRtanT,StReAmers Are PaRassITes" do you know at least what the hell are you saying? If someone wants privacy,they dont talk or dont interact,we all know that we never have to share personal information in games,never ever,and if someone does that,he Is Just stupid or he started using social media and videogames Yesterday.


    This suggestion Is useless,you want dayz to create a law or rule?! Its the most no sense thing ive ever Heard and onestly what the hell dayz can do about it if people brag about their personal information online? Because if someone streams me,i really dont care because i Will not Say anything important about my self,and you know why? Because no One needs to tell everything to everyone online! If you want to share something without sharing It to hundreds of people,Just ask their Number or theire discord,and then,if they record the messages, thats Is privacy violating then,but if you shared things on dayz,your Just a moron.


    Not all players are as aware of their exposure as you are. 

    I think that the way DayZ keeps players anonymous is quite uncommon among online games; we don't even get to see each other's usernames. In my opinion, it's a great feature of the game because you can start each life with a clean slate. However, the flip side is that it lures players into a false sense of anonymity.

    I think that DayZ should at least remind players that despite their perceived anonymity, their gameplay and voice may be broadcast - without any warning.

    The fact that streaners withold the fact they are streaming, and even lie about it, leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it has put me off the biggest and best DayZ content creators and is clearly condoned by Bohemia. That said, this issue is probably beyond the game itself and something streaming services should address.

    • Beans 1

  3. 30 minutes ago, nemorus said:

    I'm saying that aggressive streaming, the one that gets too far can be cut down in a game immediately. But these are rare happenings - most cases are quite invisible for other people. Its not a problem at all. I'd say that stream sniping is more dangerous because its easy to get caught in a crossfire; i've personally seen multiple cases where streamers were hunted down by stream snipers and cheaters. I've talked with people who were doing that and must say that in most cases they were crazy - literally nuts.

    This is all plankton - different organisms drifting together. Its better to accept that diversity in-game and survive that as well.

    To be honest, I don't think we're talking about the same thing. 

  4. On 8/6/2024 at 5:48 PM, Riddick_2K said:

    Streamers are PARASITES !

    They use other unaware players to earn money. This should NOT be allowed !

    And I am very surprised that almost no one complains...

    I'm glad I'm not the only one! Thanks for saying so. I'd love to hear what prominent community members think and hear their reasoning. I think most wouldn't touch the subject with a 10' pole. 


    23 hours ago, nemorus said:

    Live and let others live and if they're bringing harm to you or your family then end them, if you can. This is a public, survival game, so the only judge is you and yourself. Its way worse IRL where some people garner attention by hook and by crook and use their lens as justification for everything they do.

    I'm not sure I totally understand your message. It sounds like you acknowledge it is wrong, but it's okay because it happens less in Dayz than it does in real life? 

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  5. Day-Z is popular with streamers, and a large part of their content involves teaming up with other players. The majority I've seen do not disclose that they are streaming.

    Today, I heard one of Day-Z's biggest streamers intentionally do this while his unaware (debatable, but irrelevant) teammate spoke about streamers he likes as well as his own workplace.

    Streamers are great for this game and they were what first attracted me to it. However, I feel that privacy is being overlooked, and some players are being exploited.

    I imagine there are TOS on streaming sites to protect players, but if they exist, I can't find them and I haven't seen them enforced.

    I'd like to see something in-game to raise awareness. I'm not really sure what the best approach is, but here are some suggestions:

    • A loading screen warning: Something direct that states fellow players may be streaming to large audiences.
    • A clothing item in a unique slot, like an armband, that indicates consent to being used for content: This creates awareness and allows all parties to go about their game without breaking immersion. Rule-breaking would need to be addressed by server owners or the streaming platform.
    • A setting that lets players identify themselves as players/streamers, and a server setting that can restrict them from joining.

    I realize that the solution would need to be practical. I recently heard players calling out racist slurs so that a streamer would break Twitch TOS. There has to be a better way, and I think Bohemia should play a part in the solution.



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