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About giannithebest1

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  1. giannithebest1

    To The Sniper In Stary Sobor In US 814

    No I tried it, it did not allow me to hit the respawn button. :(
  2. THANK YOU! :P I just want to tell you that I couldn't agro any zombies, and I had a broken leg and saw you. Instead of shooting you with my AK... I decided to crawl next to you (100m away) and start crawling towards you again. Then you finally noticed me but didn't shoot... so then I started pointing my gun at you so you could kill me, and you finally did :P So thank you for shooting me (with no sarcasm intended), I couldn't agro any zombies but wanted to die. Thanks :D
  3. giannithebest1

    How do I use the microphone?

    Your mic does not attract zeds. Hold down caps lock to talk with your mic.
  4. giannithebest1

    Are Choppers In The Game?

    oh okay, I thought that they were taken out, thanks for clearing it up :)
  5. Hey guys I heard that choppers have been taken out of DayZ for now... But I was watching stream and found this stream: http://www.twitch.tv/lerajerandom They are flying in a helicopter going around killing people and zombies. I have CONFIRMED that two of the people in the chopper are: Grimaur and GRB and Leraje There are other people but I cant seem to find their names on the stream. I just wanted to report this but I didn't put this in the hacking section of the forum because I don't know for sure if the helicopters are taken out. The server is: Germany 11 Thanks for reading.
  6. giannithebest1

    [VIDEO] How to give somebody a heart attack

    Haha nice one :P
  7. giannithebest1

    My first few times playing DayZ

    Welcome to DayZ :P
  8. giannithebest1

    Most intense firefight of my life

    lol nice video :P
  9. giannithebest1

    How do I find my friend?

    Once you spawn in the game look at the bottom right of your screen to see which city you are in, then look on an online map of DayZ (which I wouldn't recommend, but since you are new, do it) then find to the two city's you and your friend are in. Then just run to each other in the correct way.
  10. Hit G to open your inventory and right click your bandage to use it. Scroll down/up then hit gear/pick up item to pick up different items. Once in the gear menu hit the "right arrow" next to the item name to put it in your inventory.
  11. giannithebest1

    Hide Debug Menu

    Okay didn't think of it like that, thanks :)
  12. giannithebest1

    Mountain Dew

    lol sorry I thought chaos meant you can refill the can :P
  13. giannithebest1

    Hide Debug Menu

    Hey everyone! I stream DayZ sometimes and I have to cover the chat box, the debug menu, and a little part in the middle of my screen (my name shows in my inventory) so that my viewers can not see my name and join my server. What I was wondering was can I hide parts of the debug menu from showing up (or the whole thing?) Also can I remove my name from the inventory, and maybe also remove the chat box at the bottom left? If any of this is possible, can you please tell me how to do it? Thank you for all of your help. :)
  14. giannithebest1

    Freakin' BANDITS omg pvp in this game

    lol nice one :P
  15. giannithebest1

    DayZ Unofficial 500 Slot Public Teamspeak!

    I just joined it, thanks for setting this up it seems very cool :)