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About JaredTorval

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JaredTorval

    Suggestion for Frostline

    Living in an environment that gets quite cold sometimes, are you planning on changing clothing to include layering on the torso, arms and legs ? The logic of discarding a t-shirt to put on a raincoat is really missing reality. And for instance in the demo video there is a character with the spetznaz style undershirt, with a Battle Dress Uniform over it. In the current version you have to remove undergarments to put on outerwear. Even homeless will attest to the benefits of layering rags and even crumpled up paper under clothing as insulators. It may make you a bit clumsier and noisier but that beats freezing to death and frostbite injuries. Since this new environment especially features a more brutal temperature environment, you should consider "Real World" solutions to personal thermal loss.