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Erock (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Erock (DayZ)

  1. The legion guys are nice and friendly. I have run into a few of them on server and we grouped up and stuck together for as long as we could. Fun servers and players as far as I can tell. Yeah every once in a while I get shot but who doesn't. Get over it' date=' its part of the game. The alt f4 is just bullshit imo whether its because of pvp or vs zed. I have yet to see/hear any legion do it but that's just me.



    Yes, but you didn't kill them so why would they kick you and or be unfriendly towards you? Did you read my post at all? I killed THEM and was kicked very shortly afterwards.

    I realize dying is part of the game, I take high risks and die quite often. I don't get attached to anything I have on me, because I know at any second I'm probably going to die and lose it.

    As for the alt+f4 thing I have never done that to avoid dying, simply because I really honestly don't care enough about living that much to do so. Having a bunch of "loot" in my backpack means nothing to me. I mostly just roam from town to town killing players and zombies, and if I die I do it all over again.

  2. Okay all you little cry babies one get a life and stop bitching legion is paying for the darn crap you play on you dont like it get your own. Two no one told you to play with the guys' date=' grow a pair come on you get kicked big deal its not the end of the world. I mean a lot of people go after Legion members just because their Legion and that is so stupid. All you little babies get on here and cry about when Legion is doing over and over again dang just stay off the freaking servers they have if its such a big deal the person who paid for this crap works long hard days and just wants to play on the server that he worked for and yall need to just get over yourselves and get a life join a new server make your own clan but stop being a baby.


    Some people have better things to do with their time, than to spend 15 minutes getting into a server only to eventually get kicked. Having to then get into a new server. They pay for the servers and can police it however they want. Where did I say in my post that they could not do that? I invoked my freedom of speech and came here and posted on the forums of this injustice so that some may not make the same mistake.

    For you to sit here and call me a baby for posting my thoughts on a forum is just hypocritical.

  3. You do realize that 30 sec prior to your kick. The Admin online stated' date=' "Kicking for an Admin." The player mentioned doesn't even have admin on the server.


    I saw no such message. Am I saying that there wasn't one? No.

    I definitely didn't see anything of the sort though.

    I'm simply stating my opinion, how I felt I was treated on your server to others, so that they can determine their own opinion. In hopes of them thinking twice before joining one of your servers. I know I personally won't.

    I do however find it funny that I'm not the only one with this complaint in this thread, yet you're attempting to painting me as the bad guy here.

    Just remember if you keep treating people like crap you will only be playing with [Legion] members soon enough.

  4. At the northwest airfield I have a nice little shootout with [Legion] Riddick. I end up winning, and he kicks me. Maybe it was out of rage or something no clue. I've actually heard nothing but bad things about these guys and their servers, just confirming what I've heard here.

    I will not be rejoining any server hosted by them, and unless you want to get kicked by some angry admin I suggest you don't either.
