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Everything posted by Lonrem

  1. Lonrem

    Improved MAP!

    I'll be honest, if this went through, most people would /maybe/ put only marks down with no labels and remember what's what. But most people will continue to just right things down on pen and paper or maybe a notepad .txt file. The map marking would only be really good if you could share it with other players in-game perhaps.
  2. Lonrem

    Dayz servers are the worst

    Put some time into finding one single good server. Some admins actually advertise their server on the forums. But because all the servers are run by private people instead of the DayZ staff or anything, you will run into this kind of thing. If somebody is kicking you repeatedly, report them. If a server is locked, report them. If you've got bad FPS, tell the admin so they can force a restart (which can fix some things like that). At the end of the day, forum admins are players too that want to care for their particular server, scare off hackers, and ensure that the server is well-run.
  3. Take it away, it serves no purpose other than using it for server hopping and preventing newer players from accessing valuable loot areas.
  4. Lonrem

    Underground settlements?

    Don't worry, Rocket has said that you'll be able to make underground lairs to store things, farm things, etc. Not that they'd be safe from zombies or other players. To paraphrase Rocket from a recent interview: "How do you keep people from attacking underground locations? I don't, the players do."
  5. For your last question, I know he was talking about a release of the ALPHA sometime in like October or November? Don't quote me on that. But I do know he definitely wants it out before December.
  6. Lonrem

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    Continue playing, surviving. Look for better gear, assist friendlies, play medic, play trader... Heck, my friends and I have been living out of our packs and been hunting for snipers and bandits.
  7. Lonrem

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    Can't tell if trolling or just stupid.
  8. You've got terrible FPS because on low settings, most everything is run on the CPU. Turn your settings up. I've got 5k series as well and I get lower FPS on low than I do at high and very high.
  9. Lonrem

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    The post by Griff is in the middle of the rolling update thread, can't exactly sticky that. And are you spawning on the beach every time you log in or is it because you're changing servers frequently because that was added as a feature to stop server hopping AFAIK.
  10. Lonrem

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    I would rather they fix the artifacting bug to determine what causes it rather than just dodging around it. As for updates and replies from the Dev Team, Griff posted this in the Rolling Update Thread:
  11. Lonrem

    Aren't zombies moving too fast?

    Not that I've noticed, they're moving slower than they were before, so it's all good to me.
  12. Lonrem

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    19 days since an update. As for 'game breaking' bug, what have you encountered? Have you reported it? Yes, there's artifacting, but you can still play the game. Tents and vehicles don't save contents after server restart and some vehicles disappear as well, but you can still play. Annoying bugs? Absolutely. 'Game breaking'? Definitely not. Again, if you have run into a real game-breaking bug, please tell us about it so we can join in testing it and make a detailed bug report.
  13. Lonrem

    What is the point of the M24?

    M24 and DMR do the same damage. With the DMR you get semi-auto, with the M24 you get accuracy but bolt action. DMR has the NVG usability so it tends to win out.
  14. Lonrem

    SD Weapon Question

    Oh, wasn't an arguement or anything, just joining in and agreeing. :P
  15. Lonrem

    New at dayz and I have a problem...

    Actually, this is can be a bit of a trap. When settings are actually too low you place the majority of the processing on only the CPU and little on the video card. It's an ARMA thing. I actually get worse FPS at 1920x1080 on low settings than I do at high and very high. Easiest way to work out your proper settings is boot up the armory in standard ARMA2, set the view distance to 1000 (which is the hardcap for servers for DayZ I believe) and play with your settings until you're happy.
  16. Lonrem


    What's your clan tag? Curious if you're part of the group that I've seen hacking and getting booted for hacking.
  17. Lonrem

    SD Weapon Question

    If the smoke is what gives your stealthy approach away, you're doing it wrong. Either by being in front of your target if there's multiple or by not killing them in the first shot if only one.
  18. Lonrem

    SD Weapon Question

    There will be less muzzle flash and less 'smoke' because silence rounds aren't made from anything special, they just have less propellant, so they move with less force and therefore don't rip a silencer apart. The silencer is what really does the work, the SD rounds are to ensure the silencer can work. Whether this has appropriate visuals in game, I don't know. Infected treat all silenced rounds as if fired from a silenced weapon but it's hard to aim SD rounds with a normal weapon because of a different ballistic arc. This is all more information than you asked for so: TL;DR, it should be less. And for schrapple, yeah, it's not smoke it's actually steam and some other gases not actually smoke as from the traditional burning of old school gunpowder..
  19. Lonrem

    New at dayz and I have a problem...

    Try other servers. I've got a beast of a computer (again, buy a damn desktop, learn to put it together yourself, save a lot of money and do upgrades yourself) but some servers for whatever reason have some TERRRRIBLE frame rate issues. This isn't lag by the way. Lag is when you click to pull the trigger and the gun doesn't go off or you click to make a fireplace and it's forever before you begin the animation. Lag is a slowdown between your computer communicating with the server, framerate issues are when your game seems to slow down and get choppy. But yeah, change servers, reboot, make sure your laptop isn't overheating.
  20. Lonrem

    So I found an MK-48 Mod...

    Legit weapon, loud as hell, but one shot kill to zombies, great support weapon.
  21. Lonrem

    Counter-Sniping Tips?

    AS 50 is in the box of sniper rifles the L85A2 AWS is in the box with the rifles. It's all clearly labelled and in alphabetical order. I've fired both in the mod, though I've not used the ACE version so it's possible it's not in that one.
  22. Lonrem

    1 Tool in my Toolbelt is still missing..

    And at this moment, doesn't do shit, far as I know.
  23. Lonrem

    Relocating spawn with rare loot.

    You want Rocket to program in a system where a full military base spawns randomly throughout the game? The concept is interesting, and I've suggested similar for the standalone, but I doubt it would make it's way into the mod. The sheer chance of it breaking things, causing artifacting, or any number of other glitches is a bit high at this point.
  24. Lonrem

    Relocating spawn with rare loot.

    Right now loot spawns are based on each building type, that's why the high end gear only spawns in the barracks. But go looking for helicopters crash sites, that'll give you your moving loot spawns, the best loot in game actually, just they don't stay through server restarts.