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Everything posted by Lonrem

  1. Whether script-kiddies found the camp through illegitimate means or not, banning somebody for going to the camp is a bit much. You going to do that for everybody's camp to prevent theft? Suck it up, get in game, guard your camp, get your buddies on, tell them it's time to move camp. You've got a damn Ural after all.
  2. Lonrem

    battleye global banned FUCK! #0de7

    Read the sticky. Contact BattlEye. DayZ guys can't do anything about it, and save for one wave of false positives, there's been no report of somebody getting globally banned for not doing anything.
  3. Inventory concept is great, love to see it once it's polished up a bit more because it does seem a bit cluttered.
  4. Lonrem

    I...I Don't Understand.

    SVD is accurate out to 800 meters I believe, full damage and such, kind of the point of a sniper rifle. But yeah, at that kind of distance I lose the impact point of my shots quite often.
  5. Lonrem

    Spoke to a hacker last night.

    There will always be problems with script kiddies on the mod. The engine just isn't designed for it and every time BattlEye introduced a new iteration of their defense, the scripts get edited and changed around. The easiest way to deal with script kiddies is to not call them hackers (which makes them sound cooler than they are), not post about the crazy weird things they do (this just makes bored players interested and maybe try it out), and finally, don't join heavily populated servers, (this is mostly to avoid hackers as they tend to propagate on larger servers for a bigger 'audience').
  6. Lonrem

    I...I Don't Understand.

    I gotta go back to the OP here... "New to the game" but have SVD camo and rangefinders? Did you luck out with that crap on a sniper body or something?
  7. Lonrem

    Hero rewards and bandit punishments

    DayZ will not be a game that 'punishes' a certain playstyle. Rocket has said that several times, he wants to leave it up to player behavior to try to keep things in control. Might be nice if you linked to your thread, nobody's going to go search for it.
  8. Lonrem

    I bury the dead

    I only hide zombies in populated areas and all survivor bodies. No need for people to get anything I leave behind, especially weapons that could be used to get revenge on me or anything.
  9. Let me get back to shooting my bandit buddies and giving them transfusions for a little bit, then I'll come trade you for it. I'll give you the NVG's, backpack, and GPS. Don't worry, you can trust me.
  10. How long have you been playing?? Yeah, it's the artifacting glitch that hits up the NW airfield, Balota, and I think Cherno suffers from it too sometimes.
  11. Lonrem

    Camp site help.

    Best place to put it is in the middle of the airfield. Nobody will ever check it, they'll think it's a trap. I've got a whole tent city on my server, never lost a damn thing.
  12. Lonrem

    Help with a Tent please?

    My suggestion, take the time, find out how to access the tent and either memorize how to get to it, or pack it up and move it somewhere you can get to it more readily.
  13. The best bet is actually to share the location of duper camps. People who want to skip ahead and get all the gear without hard work can raid the tents, otherwise people can continue to play the game as it was intended.
  14. I understand your point but I just fear that as more locked servers appear, script kiddies and new players will get shunted into the other servers. And as for population drop off, I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with school starting up or a mildly buggy patch. All I'm saying is, locking some servers when they're full isn't the /only/ solution, and might cause more problems.
  15. Because the standalone isn't out yet. He's already been on record about not caring what happens people do with the mod after the standalone's release. He'll leave the mod up to the community, allow them to support it, polish it up. From a business standpoint, he's trying to keep people from being alienated and such by the mod until the standalone is released and he can exert a little more control over that game.
  16. Wow, I suddenly feel like we're talking about immigration law. The problem here is all it takes is somebody to report that server and it'll be blacklisted, then your safe haven is gone. It's an interesting gesture and a potential step in the right direction, but I fear it'll be all in vain.
  17. Locked servers are to be reported to help keep abuse down. Dunno how well it'd go over. Even locking a full 40/40 server could be abused with a large enough clan or organized group of people.
  18. Lonrem

    add modifiable weapons + M79 Grenade launcher

    Ahem. Video from ARMA 3's inventory system. Likely, but not confirmed, to be in DayZ Standalone.
  19. I believe she was referring to the fact that the female model doesn't have the same access to skins and such, not you. Sensitive much?
  20. Lonrem

    Lost everything......

    My 2 tents and ATV would disagree. And yes, with
  21. Nope, it's still around. You have to keep an eye on meter, when it starts flashing, you're cold. Use a heatpack or fire or get inside. You can still get 'sick' with the coughing and the health loss. Hence heatpacks and antibiotics still spawn.
  22. Lonrem

    Throw animation is dumb

    No, it's more like ARMA 2.5. It's all the same engine, so the standalone will be importing some aspects of ARMA3.
  23. Lonrem

    Hackers gear and spawnd in heli

    And you're not exactly helping the original poster either.
  24. Lonrem

    Hackers gear and spawnd in heli

    You're totally screwed. now that you posted, you'll definitely be banned. But that said, no, you won't be banned. You get banned for using a script not for using hacked in gear, though don't be surprised when an admin kicks you or something like that for having hacked gear.