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Everything posted by Lonrem

  1. Lonrem

    Who needs bandits

    Let your guard down, not watching your surroundings, and apparently, visiting a popular waterhole. It's not like you made it difficult or anything.
  2. Lonrem

    Can you store a backpack inside a backpack?

    Yes, you could store a much smaller backpack in a larger backpack, like a coyote patrol back in a coyote backpack, but it still takes up that same space. So yes, I think it would be alright to put a standard patrol pack, the starter one, into another bag if it took up 8 spaces. We're not talking some D&D bags of holding or something here. Maybe even let it be less than 8 spaces, say 6, if it were empty.
  3. Lonrem

    Lost everything......

    Sniping at 1200m when the game has a hard cap view distance of 1000m. Sounds legit.
  4. Lonrem

    Question about tents?

    Yes. The contents of the tent will end up on the ground though.
  5. Lonrem

    Can you store a backpack inside a backpack?

    Answer is, no, no you can't.
  6. Changing the zeroing taking 3-5 seconds is a bit long, depending on the scope. Though I do like the manual zeroing idea, it's a small immersion thing, and let's be honest, most people don't have rangefinders to even know the distance to a target so developing a 'he's this big in my scope, so I think he's about this far away' skill would be valued.
  7. Lonrem

    Don't help people. Ever.

    Trust no one, shoot on sight, don't get attached to your gear. The only time I'm willing to be friendly with someone is from 200 meters away with my crosshairs on their face, telling them they can leave, before I ventilate their face.
  8. Lonrem


    Re-read the post, no idea what the weird breathing was, but then again, I've heard zombies stuck in walls growling at me, so it might be similar. As for the Holy Trinity: Axe, Knife, Matches.
  9. Lonrem

    Want to trade...

    My contact information is in my profile. I'll be around almost all day tomorrow.
  10. Lonrem


    Yes, zombies can make the 'oof' sound of being hit. Dunno if it's a glitch that they don't make a more zombie appropriate sound or what, but I've heard it before. Also, what the hell were you doing without the Holy Trinity for food?
  11. Lonrem

    Want to trade...

    Always got to have a first trade, but I might bring some friends.
  12. Lonrem

    Want to trade...

    Sure. I'm on the List, are you?
  13. Great for immersion but I don't think it would be worth the effort at /this/ point in time. Definitely something to do for polishing up the mod down the road. There won't be non-enterable building in the stand alone though, so there is that. :D
  14. Lonrem

    Want to trade...

    I might have an M4A3 available but I'm only willing to give it up for the M4A1 SD.
  15. And why do you need your character to be prettier in the first place?
  16. Lonrem

    Want to trade...

    Please clarify what you mean about the M16 CCO. Do you mean a M4A1 CCO SD, M4A3 CCO, or an M16A2 (ACOG/M203?) There is no such thing as an M16 CCO in game.
  17. If you made a new skin or edited the file, that would likely keep you from connecting to servers. After all, why not just recolor/reskin ghillie suits to an obnoxious bright orange?
  18. Lonrem

    trying to give new life to dayz

    This is DayZ, you're doing it wrong.
  19. Lonrem

    WTT AS50 TWS for 2 tents

    Do not throw it away, it is potentially legitimate. The gun used to spawn, no longer spawns. There a few legacy ones that have been handed down from dead body to dead body and stolen from tents.
  20. Lonrem

    Mash X to speed up passout timer.

    Epi-pens. That's what they're there for.
  21. Lonrem

    Mash X to speed up passout timer.

    Stop getting knocked unconscious, it's not supposed to be a pleasant thing.
  22. I have a beloved piece of paper with numerous coordinates and server numbers scratched out as I've been forced to other servers because they never came back up. :(
  23. Lonrem

    New "Vehicle" for standalone

    I want this, just for zombie bowling.
  24. Lonrem

    Throw animation is dumb

    I should have phrased better. It's not taking /all/ the aspects of ARMA 3. I know Rocket said it was just going to be simplified ragdoll, for instance. Mea culpa.
  25. Lonrem

    battleye global banned FUCK! #0de7

    Hrm, last I had heard it was just a wave of false-positives that have since been restored. I, of course, could be wrong, I don't tend to follow BattlEye because I don't have anything to worry about.