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Legend (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Legend (DayZ)

  1. 1. While I agree with some' date=' like the random players getting high tier weapons, part of a risk/reward is that there may not be anything worthwhile there. It seems unfair that a simple trip to an airfield would always land you something great.

    2. I don't believe there is an 'endgame'. The goal is everlasting. You have to just stay alive. True, the ammo for NATO weapons is rare. In a realistic setting such as this one, there wouldn't be military grade weapons and ammo laying around in an isolated barn. I do, however agree with your idea about the camping supply shops. It would be great if you could know where to find them at all times, but like #1, it just doesn't fit with this mod. The idea is for most things to be random. Once within 2 minutes of spawning I found a tent. I hadn't found one before and I've never found one since. If there was somewhere that you could always find one eventually, everyone would have one.

    3. Same as above. If there was a place where something would spawn for sure, the element of exploration is cut drastically.

    4. I agree 100% I accidentally dropped my water bottle early on in this life, and I quickly saw no reason to find another one. Although, tonight after the 1.5.4 update, I passed out from thirst because I couldn't find a single drink in 3 different towns. Also, if you couldn't get water from the ocean/sea, but IRL, you'd be very sick.

    5. I honestly just don't see the point.

    6. A good idea if something were implemented that made sodas recover ~25% health, and unpurified water ~50%, and purified water ~75%, or something similar. Otherwise, no reason to actually purify it.

    7. I agree if it were around 1/20 humvees or something. Would help with the lack of NATO magazines issue.

    8. Also, morse code would be cool.

    9. I agree. Currently, when I play with my friend, I use Skype, and I feel like I'm cheating a bit, because I can coordinate a flank without the target ever being aware. Maybe some kind of text chat that would span the entire map akin to whispers in MMOs? Otherwise, we'd have to communicate outside the game to ever find eachother anyways.

    10. Yes, flare guns are a yes in my book. But they'd take up your secondary slot.

    11. I personally hate in a game where hits are portrayed via blood on the screen, etc. Some kind of red pulse or something from the direction of the attack would be good though. If it were subtle.

    12. This is a very, very cool idea. I can't imagine how scared I'd be if around 3am, a Soviet song started to blare and all I knew was that someone was there.

    13. I agree unless the gunshot wound would kill upon impact, like a headshot or a shot to the heart. You wouldn't be able to just get up. If the character was hit in the stomach, and his comrades had sutures and bandages and disinfectant, they could ATTEMPT to resuscitate him.

    14. I like the idea of revival under the conditions I stated in #13, but when I die, I'm not going to wait for 15 minutes to see if someone stumbles upon my body to revive me.

    If you can't tell, I want this mod to remain gritty and realistic and unforgiving. This is the first game I've played in a LONG time that has given me this feeling of immersion. If it becomes too easy/casualized, a great thing will have been lost.

    Also, I'm not a game programmer, nor have I any experience with the concept, so I don't know what is possible and what isn't, but let's remember that it's still early alpha. And from what I've seen, Rocket seems to listen to the members of this community, and I feel that he's trying to keep the mod the way I and many others, feel like it should be.


    Bern basically said everything I wanted to say.

  2. IF some people had their way, this game would be ruined.

    I've seen a few lame suggestions that seem to be trying to push this game into being similar to the thousands of other MMOs out there.

    We (or I, at least) don't want any set rules, story, fetch quests, factions (grouping/party system would be fine though), NPC shops, forced non-PVP ruining the atmosphere and freedom of this game.

    In this game we make our own story.

    Luckily, the mods seem to know exactly what makes this game so special so I don't really have any fear of them implementing things that will screw it up.
