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Legend (DayZ)

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About Legend (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Legend (DayZ)

    Should there be a reward for time survived?

    Survival is its' own reward.
  2. Legend (DayZ)

    MERGED: Different Islands

    Maybe they should just focus on getting the game up on this one map while getting it ready for Arma 3.
  3. IF some people had their way, this game would be ruined. I've seen a few lame suggestions that seem to be trying to push this game into being similar to the thousands of other MMOs out there. We (or I, at least) don't want any set rules, story, fetch quests, factions (grouping/party system would be fine though), NPC shops, forced non-PVP ruining the atmosphere and freedom of this game. In this game we make our own story. Luckily, the mods seem to know exactly what makes this game so special so I don't really have any fear of them implementing things that will screw it up.
  4. Legend (DayZ)

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Nice info.