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About dark6-6

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  1. So, honestly, I agree with you on a lot of points. I know, as one of our now ex members rented a server on his own and kicked players for doing things he didn't like, that this can blow up in your face really quickly. I believe server admins should have powers to run their stuff as "carebear" as they like. Even have servers with no PvP, where you can all safely go to Cherno if you want and use the NVG's and Mk 48's you farmed to do glorious battle with hordes of undead as you circle overhead in your chopper without fear of getting shot down. The thing I took issue with is the manner my Clan member was addressed. Honestly, CQF is made of people who work cooperatively and enjoy PvE. My group responds to requests for help from people that aren't even in our clan, which I'm sure you can imagine is about as risky as Running through Cherno with a lit flare at night blazing dubstep through direct channel. I joined just to see if I could find an Admin to get more details as to why they were being kicked and take those issues to my superiors if you felt they were being rude or if you'd had a bad experience. If you didn't like what was going on, all that would have been needed is a "Hey, I would appreciate if you would leave vehicles for other players as my smaller group would like to work on them." Not only would I have agreed, I would have posted a notice on our board and then gave you a hand if you'd like. Instead, I get chainkicked and called a faggot by your admin. Honestly, my first instinct would be to go in there and start using your boys for target practice. That isn't my deal though. Instead, I would extend an invite to one of our servers, and if you'd like a chance to play with us to get a feel for how our group works. I'd like a chance to apologize for how our group's actions made you feel. I assure you it wasn't intentional, and I'm the last person to bitch at admins. I hope that you continue to run your server in the manner that you see fit and can continue to enjoy the company of your peers. I also hope that this will help you reconsider your stance on my group, and maybe one of these days, when you get a broken leg and you need some help, maybe I'll be there with a blood bag and some morphine to help you out. That's what the CQF is all about.
  2. dark6-6

    UK666 Admin Abuse

    I've played on UK666 without incident, I just think it's interesting to people always bashing admins without full video proof. Run fraps and post to shame really bad admins, or else nothing you say carries weight.
  3. dark6-6

    UK666 Admin Abuse

    He just said it wasn't manually restarted. I'm wondering if you're having problems reading because english isn't your first language. Maybe you should nut up and start searching for gear again instead of whining on here like a little baby.
  4. After being chainkicked, the server was taken down.
  5. Chain kicking is an offense that can get your server banned. It's frustrating that this was done to prevent our group from finishing looting their camp.
  6. dark6-6

    UK666 Admin Abuse

    He is clearly stating the powers of an admin console, not saying he is doing these actions. Also, he paid money so other people can play this awesome mod. He deserves respect for that.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAz8xvNGdNY
  8. Alright, lets 1 vs. 1 arma 2 in the city of your choice. No outside interference that way, and you pick a time after 9 PM PST> I'll record on FRAPS and post results.
  9. Or maybe we can go with our real tags and run in a server that has hardcore, no 3rd person, no tags. I'll be "TheLaw" and you can be "Dog The Overweight Burnout Fanboy". It's easy to tag people that are out in the open working on projects with new recruits. It won't be easy when I find you. Maybe I'll just shoot you in the leg and let you wonder where I am. Of course, you'll probably D/C and go to a friendly server to beg one of your friends to patch you up when you get dropped.
  10. That's why this is going to be so easy. I'm PST though so I wonder if you'll be playing the same time I do. I normally play from 9:30 to 2 am.
  11. What server do you play on Hunter? I'll come give you some ammo.
  12. dark6-6

    Admin Abuse

  13. I believe you're legit. I just wanted to see the hit go down. It's harder to defend against guerrilla tactics and you guys are dangerous. Definitely something I would like to prevent happening to me. = ) And as for accusations of hacks, it might seem like a cop out, and I apologize if you feel offended, but the reaon most of us are so paranoid about it is that every day in the 3 or 4 hours I play, I will have some obvious stuff happen on our servers. Examples include someone spawning an A10, helicopters, hundreds of bear traps, nuking the server with kill scripts, etc. We also do have issues with ghosting, which I think IS easy to define: Logging during an engagement to achieve a better position. Easiest countermeasure would be a 10 minute wait to relog onto a server. Anyway, hope to see you in game. I've got some ammo I'd like to give you ; )
  14. dark6-6

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Filter for CQF in filter to see all our servers. There are 2 EU servers still, EU20 and EU24.