So I went to a server and it was night time. I spawned in and saw someone immediately stalking me who i dealt with rather quickly. He had nothing on him, but was carrying a tire which i thought was odd. So I continued on and remembered i was in elektro. Went to the store and picked up some food when i saw something out of the window. It was a truck! Why a pickup truck was parked in the middle of elektro i will never know but it needed a tire and gas as well as could have used an engine repair which could wait. I spent a while digging around the city looking for other items and contemplating if i should risk it when its in the middle of the town and obvious to everyone. So i figure why not, i can get some gas and repair the tire and if its gone i will just drop it and forget about it. Zombies were spawning rampantly as firing a gun only summoned 10-15 more. I hook up with another survivor who had just respawned in. He was no threat to me and he could provide flashlight coverage and hold my flares. Turns out we end up spending more time cutting down zombies as where ever we went, roughly 20-40 zombies would spawn around us. After 30-45mins of dealing with them and running from hanger to hanger I do find a jerry can. He manages to find more light sources and a hatchet for melee. I say screw it and we move back into town and towards the store to find him some more gear so he can watch my back as the zombies are relentless. I burn through 4 clips of AKM ammo when i started with 5. I put in the gas into the engine and yell at him to hop in as we were still getting swarmed, he does and i immediately notice a tug on the right side of the vehicle. I still manage to navigate to the firehouse just outside the town and we hole up in there as we dispatch 30 more zombies. My zombie kill count is 219 and he has started on his first 50 with just a hatchet. So with 3-4 zombies left we brave to the truck again, they continue to pour in as we begin to move away, but in my haste i fail to notice the debris in the road and after about 20 feet and smashing into 3 zombies, I hit the debris, killing the vehicle and we both smash through the windshield dead. Most epic death i ever had as i couldnt stop laughing. The end of the nigh im tired and want to go to bed so i respawn till i get close to elektro and manage to get there in time to gather our things, I rondevu with my friend just outside and give him back his weapon and some flares so he can continue on as i go to bed.