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Astuneta (DayZ)

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About Astuneta (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Astuneta (DayZ)

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Great job Rocket!!!
  2. Astuneta (DayZ)

    Build Hotfix

    I like the new temperature system. My only suggestion is that if the characters are getting an infection, which I assume is viral like a Common Cold, then taking antibiotics would not help recover from it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold#Antibiotics_and_antivirals). You need antivirals for that or simply take drugs that alleviate the symptoms. Antibiotics are for Bacterial infections. I guess this is not important, since what matters is the mechanism not if you are infected by a bacteria or a virus. For the rest, I love the mod Rocket!
  3. Astuneta (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    AWESOME!!! Let´s play!!!!
  4. Astuneta (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I think that after a Zombie Apocalypse all those option would be gone. The only way to know things would be by meeting other survivors and tell those stories next to the fire. Or, if barricades and fortified areas can be build and then trading hubs are organized in order to exchange news and barter. Also if Notes or Diaries, ala Dark souls, were to be implemented that could help too to exchange information. That would improve immersion too.
  5. Astuneta (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I agree with this change. Right now I did not trust anybody, no matter what skin they wear, and besides it´s not realistic. Adding tension to the mix! Great thing! Way to go Rocket!
  6. Astuneta (DayZ)


    An example of why I think this is cool. Yesterday I found a place with 3 fully functional cars, and for sure those cars belonged to someone. I felt bad by taking it but this is a survival mod and I wanted the stuff. For that reason, I wish I could have left a note to that person and come to an agreement. Dark Souls did something cool with the notes too. It could be nice to plant posts with notes and stuff like that.
  7. Astuneta (DayZ)


    I support this idea too.
  8. The zombie numbers have to be low because of the ridiculous low amount of ammunition in this world. I find it realistic that the amount of ammo is low, and honestly I think it´s quite easy to find pellets and slugs for the winchester. But again, a melee system plus slower zombies would ameliorate this situation.
  9. I am also in favor of the increase in numbers. Zombies should be in large quantities and dangerous. Survival after a Zombie Apocalypse that´s the theme and now it looks more like it!!!! I also like the increase in numbers since it hampers bandits camping the cities. This increase also improves people cooperation since being a loner is possible but it´s better if you have a wingman. Nevertheless I agree with others that with increased numbers their speed and awareness should be lowered. Maybe some could be faster (the fresher zombies) but the old ones should be slow. Their danger would be in the numbers more than in them outrunning you. Also melee weapons are a needed addition to be able to perform silent kills. Great Mod Rocket and happy birthday!! Keep it up!