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Everything posted by zorisx

  1. zorisx

    Should I try to stick to one server?

    I would say that you stay familiar to a certain server as you can sort of anticipate player-based behavior.
  2. Looking for some Canadian players 18+ to join up with us and have great times. EST/WEST coast no matter. We use skype, must have a clear mic ! Zoris Oreillias on skype.
  3. I'd the ability to find scopes for various weapons. I believe it would create a seperate market for those desiring ACOG and under / 8x / 12x / NV and Thermal. More attachments like silencers and stocks to improve weapons and add more personality to them. I also fully support weapon cleansing. If its raining and your in the woods, a few weapons should become dirty and less reliable ( not the AK series or Glocks )
  4. zorisx

    Weapon Scopes & Customization

    Oh it will be. DayZ has already contributed 330'000 x 20$ to BiS team...They'll be working closely together. It was just a suggestion for now or later :)
  5. zorisx


    I'd drop it for an ACOG M16 or something unless it had rare scopes.
  6. zorisx

    Status of 1.7.2?

    Bump. I'd love to know this too
  7. zorisx

    Remove Zombies Breaking Bones

    Any level. KOs occur below 9000.
  8. zorisx

    Radio Station and Transistor Radios

    Rocket said that he'll be using these radios as the next form of communication. Expect them to be very useful in the coming updates.
  9. zorisx

    Pass out needs to go

    This knockout makes you think twice about getting cocky when killing zombies and trying to play this game alone. Take every threat as it is.
  10. zorisx

    Smell (need to bathe)

    This is hilarious and kind of neat. Genius...I'd say.
  11. zorisx

    Graffiti / Markings Spray

    bump for more votes =)
  12. zorisx


    Hacked Vehicles are not shown under the Day Z Wiki http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles
  13. zorisx

    Cold Shore

    I pop a heatpack every once in awhile. 42 still :)
  14. I like the blood-smelling ideas, I'm sure a lot of these things will be implemented soon enough once DayZ dev team receive the help they need to fully utilize and manipulate ArmA's engine.
  15. zorisx

    Suggestion - Game Types

    They'll definitely be changed within the next few big patches. Until their pathing can be adjusted and smoothed...behavior is modified and damage is balanced I don't think we'll be seeing much of these.
  16. zorisx


    Hahaha that would so awesome. Merlin beard is endgame??
  17. zorisx

    How do you drive a vehicle?

    WSAD and SHIFT to boost.
  18. If you save your vehicle and change servers, can you take it with u?
  19. zorisx

    Does anyone want a bus?

    Yeah on my profile, add me. Zoris Oreillias
  20. zorisx

    Please use another game engine :/

    Engine is not designed off this mod, but for the vast land 25x25km it is perfect. When ArmA 3 comes out it will be fully optimized and co-designed for DayZ so be patient for September :)
  21. zorisx

    that poor bastard

    I love these encounters, adds so much to the game :)
  22. zorisx

    Does anyone want a bus?

    Yes I do! lol What server? Why dont you want it?