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Everything posted by zorisx

  1. Pros : Zombies less Bone Breaking Frames have definitely increased Animals are moving quite well and are no longer sticks in a field Visibility is notably a different concept Cons : Servers having difficulty managing the new patch Desync issues are more common Zombies are very paranoid, very hard to avoid them. They aggro from VERY far.
  2. BUGS : Zombies Attacking through walls Flip over vehicles Running through windows/buildings and falling to death. ADD : Forest Branch snapping idea. Headlamps and Batteries for Electrical Devices Build-able Metal Walls (requires Scrap Metal and Chopped Wood. )
  3. zorisx

    dayz players are racist

    Meh there little racism everywhere but to be honest its pretty much gone compared to how it was in the 1940s.
  4. zorisx

    dayz players are racist

    Haha that's hilarious, random racism at its finest.
  5. zorisx

    dayz players are racist

    Those zombies came here and took our jerbssss!!
  6. zorisx

    All My Gear Dissapeared

    Game is alpha.
  7. zorisx

    Mountain Dew stories.

    My friend and I found a truck outside of a village and it was wedged between two other vehicles. Whilst trying to get it out the truck exploded and killed my friend. I was left unconscious surrounded by zombies until my blood went down to 600 and I came to. Looted my dead friends corpse and he had a mountain dew! Carried this until zenorogorsk and got sniped one shot clean.
  8. zorisx

    Question about Raw meat

    Get wood. Kill animal. Gut animal. Go to gear on animal. Take meat. Make fireplace. Cook goods.
  9. Find people to help. I just play guitar
  10. zorisx

    NW Airfield...

    My advice would to have someone with long range and another with a silenced weapon. Zombies are very present within the air fields and you need to be able to take them out quietly.
  11. zorisx

    Random Story - Twas Funny.

    pretty hilarious hahaa
  12. Thanks for clearing up what's been going on. I've been waiting to hear from you on the latest news. Thanks for keeping in touch with the community, it means a lot to us.
  13. zorisx

    We don't need patches, Rocket.

    I'm glad the hackers and cheaters and exploiters are having their way right now. This is alpha staged and having these problems secure when it releases commercially will make the game that much better.
  14. They dont take donations.
  15. zorisx

    House Fortification

    I like this. Though houses in this game are way too small and need to be opened up more...feels like midgets are living in these places.
  16. Hachet always wins haha. Killed this guy looting the Berezino medical army tents during the night time. I saw him crouch-walking to avoid zombies...went into the tent and popped on the flashlight. I aggroed a zombie during the anticipation and ran towards the player. I struck him once with my axe, he turned around and I hit him again...dodged his last bullet and watched him die. Amazing. MP5SD with SD rounds + full toolbelt :D It was a grand day in the world of DayZ today.
  17. This world is a crazy one, that's for sure.
  18. It's my second axe kill...my friend Logan was murdered and the bandit was looting his body at the house across from the church in Cherno. I ran in and whilst the person was looting, I swung my axe 3 times and he died. Regained my friend's AK + Ammo + medical supplies and gave it back to him when we met up ;P
  19. zorisx

    WTF Was that?

    Stay out of Dallas servers, theyre all hacked.
  20. Hes going to make server-side collections of when a player logs in and out during a session and how many times. If it occurs too frequently, they will be punished.
  21. Akm is amazing for accomplishing effective range. All of them are amazing though.
  22. zorisx

    |Question|AKS-74 Kobra Vs M16A2

    M16A2 , the aks74 is a sub machine gun hybrid. It can easily shoot over 500m.
  23. I ended up flipping a van over a little mound of dirt and later on killing my friends and myself at the NW airfield because I accidentally threw a grenade...Fuck that F key...
  24. zorisx

    Today I F-ed up big.

    Usually inFPS games after throwing a nade my gun will come out....not in Arma however lol.