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Everything posted by peewizzle

  1. peewizzle

    Windows and Dayz so Far

    boot camping with windows 8 was a mistake, reformat and bootcamp with windows 7 i play dayz on my late 2011 mbp 2.2 i7 quad core 8gb ram and 512mb amd card just fine on high---but i am booting windows 7 ultimate x64 though. mac osx imho is more suited for user friendly use... windows os is the better for gaming
  2. so i haven't played since 1.7 was first intro i got back from business trip and had issues with beta install now that they're fixed i log in. no guns holy moley! i was like ME LIKEY!! so boom get into cherno and was never happier to find a makarov, mind you like everyone knows getting into any town is a daunting task alone now, lol picked it up and left. found some sardines and 2 bandages and i was high on life!! so i meet someone else and he has no gun we team up. he leaves my sight literally for 2 seconds and i hear a gunshot and see that BLAKE was killed im like oh gEEZ!! as soon as i go prone, bam one shot kill so i'm wondering...i'm not complaining or anything but the zombie LOS is good now but bandit activity seems to have increased too after starting 4 more games after the same demise over and over i just feel like i'm a fish in a barrel getting shot at...repeatedly lol i like the way the difficulty is now but i feel like a bandit punishment system should be implemented like if you murder a survivor your gun instantly drops and you have to pick it up again...giving the survivor precious seconds to escape idk im just ranting :P
  3. i don't think it should be a mark from afar that will give a location away, but i def like the close range idea. if the zombies can have a short LoS that turns this game into a prone simulator then why can't survivors have a bandit LoS so to speak
  4. yeah an indicator would be awesome lol but i have no idea how to even calculate what it would show. oh well, just gotta keep gambling with people i guess i met up with a friendly a few minutes ago, but then he ran into kamenka, and then ran back out to where i was prone with every z in town lol then he had the nerve to logout and i was left with all the party guests... alas...tis but another day in DayZ haha
  5. well first off i said i wasn't complaining, in fact i said i like the new stuff in the game now. i thought i'd share my story and see what everyone else thought. and yeah i knew going into cherno was bad to begin with and it was a fun challenge to do it. im not mad or angry, i just thought since there was so many new additions and fixes to bone the player, why not come up with one thing that can be rewarding. and since starting this thread, i've been killed twice on the beach so i'm in no way complaining about getting killed in cherno
  6. yeah a punishment system would be unrealistic i suppose wish there was a new way to tell who is friendly or not..then again anyone can turn to the darkside lol
  7. hey guys new to the forums but been playing DayZ from the start. i downloaded the STEAM copy of ARMA2 CO in may. long story short though. I went off for business for the past 3 weeks and haven't had a chance to play DayZ since the hotel i was in didn't have adequate wifi (shitty ping). came back and seen all these updates and beta patch? i left when DayZ was just at 1.7 i saw that required beta so i downloaded beta patch 93965. the instructions i found everywhere on the forums said to extract to blahblahblah/arma2oa/expansion/beta folder so i did that and launched the beta patcher. instantly the dialog will go from 3% and shoot to 100% in less than a second and say verifying version 1.60.xxxx and then itll say successfully patched version 1.60.xxxx i also read instructions that said i had to copy and paste something from that beta folder into the main arma2oa folder but there's nothing to copy. ive edited the launch parameters over and over and over with so many different strings that various installers have provided and nothing works. i also edited the target path of the "launch ARMA2OABETA" in the main OA folder with the -mod=@dayz yada yada yada when i launch game through steam as ARMA2CO, it says something like cannot load directx9 graphical something. when i launch through the ARMA2OABETA, it says missing chernaurus i was up for literally 3 hours lastnight trying to rack my brain around what went wrong. now i'm at my work pc stressed out that i messed up my ARMA2 and can't play DAYZ :( sorry if there has already been a million threads on this i almost got teary eyed when i arrived home to find that i can't play the game i've been waiting weeks to come home to. i have a late 2011 macbookpro quadcore 2.2 i7 + 8gb ram + 512mb amd radeon 6750m with windows 7 ultimate x64 through bootcamp and have been running DayZ fine since day 1
  8. peewizzle

    beta update issues :( can't play dayz now

    i've done that too. and re extracted into the expansions/beta folder and ran the beta patcher over and over again and still nothing. i am really hoping i don't have to reinstall Arma 2 + OA again. i'm not sure if i have to download again through steam to install.
  9. peewizzle

    beta update issues :( can't play dayz now

    i searched and thats an answer i found but when i launch the beta installer it doesn't install anything into my folder. just has that dialog which i mentioned goes from 3% to 100% in a second. i let that dialog sit for about 30 mins too to see if anything different would happen but nothing...