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Everything posted by rambochicken

  1. I used to play DayZ way back when and stopped not too long after the Melee weapons began coming into effect. Was wondering what this is about? I have definetly not hacked nor exploited, at least not on purpose/noticed I was doing so. It seems I pretty much can't join any server and would love to just understand whats up and if there is anything I can do about it Thanks
  2. rambochicken

    BattleEye Admin Ban: w4d9b2182 0x0f44d938

    Okay and how do I get ahold of my GUID?
  3. rambochicken

    BattleEye Admin Ban: w4d9b2182 0x0f44d938

    What is that exactly? and why would I be on there? Im guessing just pissed off the wrong person? Is there any way to be removed?
  4. rambochicken

    When is 1.7.2 coming out?

    Most likely after Rezzed, since ppl are getting to test the new patch.
  5. rambochicken

    Friendly! :D

    Hey, I just lost a good 40 hour survive and I wanna team up with some people, am currently on my way to Stary, if interested and have some good experience in the northern inland add my skype or steam Skype: Rambochicken1 Steam: the69ers
  6. rambochicken

    Kicked back to menu

    I am having the same problem, never had it before till i had to reinstall... :(