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Everything posted by Tommy71446

  1. The admin of EU 40 "Rajko Stojadinovic" (in-game name) is abusing his powers hes spawning with same gear and same spot me and my team killed him repeatedly then banned me and my friend for calling him out for what he did you need to check his actions somehow our in-game names are [unit] Tommy and [unit] Ash
  2. Tommy71446

    Cargo.sqf spotted in the wild again !

    Nothing new with this kid check out my thread about him I posted a week ago. My Thread--> http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17719 Ps. Hes notorious for trying to put the blame on other people if you read his replys.
  3. Dont feel bad the admin of EU 40 did the same thing to me and a friend a couple days back when we killed him behind cherno supermarket he kept spawning in the same exact spot where his dead body was with same gear a M4A3 CCO we killed him around 4x before he killed us and when we told him it was sad he had to cheat on his own server he ended up banning us.
  4. Tommy71446

    Admin on EU 40 Cheating

    Funniest part was when he said the reason he spawned in the same spot with the same gear the first time it was because he used alt-f4 which im guessing is bug that hes abusing but it being a hack sounds more reasonable And the cco you seen on my body was the one I took off your body before you relogged in the same spot with another cco.