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About --razer--Blade

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. --razer--Blade

    Website back online

    Check your spam folder ;) Maybe even add an exception for [email protected]
  2. yeah, if you're only getting 45kb/s, I'd say there is something wrong with your phone lines man. I would call and have a technician come out to take a look. But don't let them BS ya, because there is definitely something wrong there buddy.
  3. It's time to ditch the dial up haha. On a serious note though, what ISP are you using?
  4. Well that seems odd. This is a very valuable thread IMO lol
  5. This topic deserves a sticky! I think it should also be release with the latest release. I know my clan and I went nuts trying to figure out why this was happening. So thanks for this guide!
  6. --razer--Blade

    Server Admin Mailing List

    I've seen a few posts directed towards the server admins. I'm guessing that all of them don't always see the posts in the forums. So I was thinking it may be a good idea to create a mailing list of all the server admins as a means to be more efficient in getting the word out. This way an important update is less likely to be missed.