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About Soulphayze

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Soulphayze

    Babies! (Well, society)

    If you did this idea you would need to work the kid crying into the factor. Nothing like running through a forest while you have a screaming child on your back.
  2. Soulphayze

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    If you did this idea you would need to work the kid crying into the factor. Nothing like running through a forest while you have a screaming child on your back.
  3. Soulphayze

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I still have a problem with phasing zombies. Pass through walls pretty easy :(
  4. Soulphayze

    Just a few suggestions.

    1. If possible can you make a quiver for bolts? Could hold like 3 or 5. Would be nice. 2. Would it b possible to have bush's lower our visibility to zeds? I mean there are some big bush's and they still see you from full distance it seems when your behind it. 3. What about making the knife a melee weapon too? Only makes sense imo. 4. I know the game is hard. But what about more ways to get blood. Like say if you haven't been hurt in say 30 minutes you get some life back. 500-1000? Randomly in that range? How about fluids giving health too. Much smaller. Like 50-100. Or have it cap at say 300/hr. So it can't be abused. I love the idea of blood transfusion but I normally play solo so it's not likely an option for us solo people. Maybe let someone do it solo for say 6k? 3k? Or put in like another thing like that that only needs 1 person to do. 5. What about using wood to make splints for broken bones. Just use same animation as morphine. 6. What about turning wood into a spear? Simple crude weapon. Could even make it have only a few uses. Attach the knife to the end for higher damage /shrug. 7. How about the ability to throw any item in my inventory? I mean sometimes I don't have a bottle or can and could really use one. 8.
  5. Soulphayze

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    (Today 04:52 AM)rocket Wrote: How do you guys feel about this, for the next hotfix: "Infected hear perfectly through objects (noise reduced by 50% through an object)" So a line-of-sight check is done before agro'ing audibility - and if cut by terrain/object the power of the sound is reduced by 50% This sounds much better than the way it is now.
  6. Soulphayze

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    First off I must say. Bravo. Great mod! Now for the most part I have had a grand time with the mod. Still have some bugs get me which I will address. 1. I was exploring a factory and had zeds phasing through wall. 2. At one point I was on the roof and lost connection to the server. When i logged back in I was in the building and bleeding. No zeds around. I have no idea what happened. 3. Still hear flies randomly, but no bodies. 4. I have an issue where i pick up a weapon and all my ammo that is not in my pack spills out. Feels kinda like I got a clumsy guy. Kinda funny imo. 5. I still have the fountain of blood issue. Glad they can't smell blood lol. Now for suggestions. 1. If possible can you make a quiver for bolts? Could hold like 3 or 5. Would be nice. 2. Would it b possible to have bush's lower our visibility to zeds? I mean there are some big bush's and they still see you from full distance it seems when your behind it. 3. What about making the knife a melee weapon too? Only makes sense imo. 4. I know the game is hard. But what about more ways to get blood. Like say if you haven't been hurt in say 30 minutes you get some life back. 500-1000? Randomly in that range? How about fluids giving health too. Much smaller. Like 50-100. Or have it cap at say 300/hr. So it can't be abused. I love the idea of blood transfusion but I normally play solo so it's not likely an option for us solo people. Maybe let someone do it solo for say 6k? 3k? Or put in like another thing like that that only needs 1 person to do. 5. What about using wood to make splints for broken bones. Just use same animation as morphine. 6. What about turning wood into a spear? Simple crude weapon. Could even make it have only a few uses. Attach the knife to the end for higher damage /shrug. Well that's all I can think of for now. Sorry for the rant. If you want more ideas I bet I've got a million of em just like everyone else. Or I can just shut my pie hole and enjoy the mod :-)